Chapter 10

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I'm woken up in the middle of the night by a sudden rush of wind. I get up and see Chara. "You said you wanted to fight back, so I decided to come early to give you more time." Just in case. I reply to Chara "I'm ready for you, Chara. Don't go easy on me."

And so the battle begins. My soul is completely repaired, which is good. I'm stronger now than before, but so is she. Except this time, there appears to be a sort of shadow behind her. I decide to aim for the shadow instead of her. It's so close to her though, that I keep missing. "You missed," She teases, but little does she know that I'm not aiming for her.

It's been a few hours. Sans probably knows what's going on, but he's leaving me to fight my own fight. I miss a few more times, and then I hit the shadow. It seems to separate from Chara and dissipates. Chara then looks up to me and pulls me into a hug. A real one, not with a knife in her hand. She's crying. This is the real Chara.

"I'm s-so sorry..." I shush Chara. "No need to be sorry. It's gone now, it wasn't you who did all of those bad things." She looked up at me with big, glassy eyes. "B-but what if it comes back?" I smile. "Then I'll stop it Chara. I'll protect you from now on."

   Sans walks into the room. He sees Chara and summons 7 Gaster Blasters, but I tell him it's okay. "This is the real Chara, Baby Bones. She had this darkness that was controlling her before." He narrows his eye sockets. "Okay, but I'm keepin' my eye on ya, kiddo." She nods understandingly. "I understand," she says.

    I decide to take Chara to Grillby's. It must've been a while since she's eaten. I walk in and we both sit down at the bar. Grillby sees me, but then he sees Chara and his flames grow. He then grabs me and pulls me into the kitchen. He whispers "Do you know who that is? She's going to kill all of us!" I look at him. "Calm down, Grillbz. I know what I'm doing." His flames calm down a little. "I sure hope so, Y/N."

    Chara orders some fries, a soda, and a burger, and I order a burger and some mustard. Sorry Paps, I can't stay away from mustard altogether. That's like trying to get Sans to stop drinking ketchup. She happily gobbles down the food. She then looks at me and pulls her face into a disgusted expression. "What," I ask. She replies "You're... drink mustard..." I just shrug.

    I then decide to take her to Mettaton's store to buy her some clothes. The clothes she's wearing now are covered in blood, dust, and dirt. This might raise a few people's concerns. Mettaton sees the two of us and we walk over to each other.

    "Hello darling! Who's this?" It's kinda funny talking to someone who doesn't remember the resets. "This is Chara. I need to get her some new clothes." Chara shyly waves. Mettaton narrows his eyes at her. "Well Darling, it's nice to meet you! How about I help you choose some fashionable clothing?" Chara nods and says yes please.

    After shopping, Chara had few pairs of grey, green, or brown furry boots and black and white flats, a few pairs of jeans, leggings, sweats, and some shorts, and I got her some shirts. I got her a few short sleeved shirts and tank tops that were green with a cream stripe, and I got her some custom shirts with graphics on them, such as pictures of Flowey. Better not wear that around Azzy. I also got her a green zip up jackets and pullover hoodies colored like her striped tees. I got her a few cream or green beanies. Luckily, I have a lot of money. Mettaton's still not happy with me yet.

     I quickly teleport back home, set down the bags in my room, and have her change. I had her wear a tank top with shorts but also had her bring a zip up jacket. I then teleported with her to Alphys' lab.

    "Hi Alphys!" She runs over to us. "Hi Y-Y/N and... I d-don't t-think I know y-you..." Chara introduces herself. "I'm Chara. It's nice to meet you!" Alphys smiles. "S-So, what c-can I d-do f-for y-you?" I grin at Chara before answering. "Well, Alphys, I was wondering if you could make Chara here a phone like mine, except green with a cream stripe." Chara's eyes widen at me. Alphys nods. "O-Of course!" She then types something into a machine. "I-in the m-meantime, d-do you guys want t-to watch a-anime?"

    Alphys heats up some insta-noodles for all of us to enjoy while we watch some anime. We were watching some of the latest episodes of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. It didn't really make sense, but it was entertaining. Chara seemed to be enjoying herself though, so that was good. It must've been hard for her to have to watch the shadow hurt so many people so much.

   Sometime during the anime, Undyne walks in. She kisses Alphys, which makes them both turn completely red. Alphys runs to make her some noodles. "HEY     PUNK! WHO'S THAT?" She says while pointing at Chara. Chara seemed to be afraid of Undyne, so I answered for her. "Undyne, this is Chara. Chara, this is Undyne!" They shook hands. "OOH, A NICE STRONG GRIP! I LIKE IT! WE SHOULD TRAIN TOGETHER SOMETIME!"

    Alphys gets back with Undyne's noodles, and we watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie for a little while longer, and then Alphys gave Chara her phone. I then take Chara to see Muffet to buy some Spider Croissants and Doughnuts. "Ahuhuhu~ it's Y/N and... well who do we have here?" Chara says "I'm Chara. You must be Muffet." Muffet laughs "Ahuhuhu~ indeed, I am!" Chara sets 9999g on the table. Muffet hands her a spider donut. "Pleasure doing business with you, dearie! Ahuhuhu~"

   I look at Chara. "Where'd you get all that money from?" She looks down. "That was only a part of what the shadow stole." I give her a hug. "It's okay Chara, it's over now. You can keep the money, it's not like anyone knows it's missing." I laugh a little. She smiles, and we start walking home, while Chara starts skipping besides me.

    I set out a pair of clothes for Chara while she took a shower. Some plaid green sweats with a cream and green striped tank top tucked into the pants. Chara's going to be staying with us for a while. I need to keep an eye on her for a bit. Just in case the shadow returns, if it didn't completely die.

    I noticed that Chara had a golden heart locket that she always wore. She had taken it off for the shower. I opened it, and it had a cute picture of Tori, Asgore, Asriel, and Chara holding buttercups. They looked so happy together. When I'm sure the shadows won't return, I'll send her back to Tori. That is, unless she wants to stay. I close the locket and clean it a little to make it shine. It's pretty.


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