1) Photography & Videography

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"I don't know, Miss Y/L/N." Seoul Academy's top notch cinematography professor told his best pupil. "What makes your idea better than all the other girls wanting to get a shot at Mr. Jeon, hm? Why is this different than any other proposal that I've heard today?"
     Y/N suddenly felt herself grow smaller in confidence. Y/N along with every other female in the handsome Mr. Park's Cinematography 101 class wanted to use campus famous Jeon Jungkook as their film guinea pig. However, unlike the other girls and occasional guys, Y/N wanted to film him because no one knew who he was as a person and she was curious. Curious about the Jungkook behind the facade that is popularity.
Everyone just saw Jungkook as the nice, popular kid from Busan with athleticism and handsome looks but Y/N wanted to know the Jeon Jungkook.
"With all due respect Professor Park, I am not one of those girls who spends their time drooling over you or Jeon Jungkook." Y/N straightened herself in the mildly comfortable, leather seat. "Mr. Park, I feel rather insulted because you know for a fact that I am the hardest working student in your classroom. I want to do a documentary on Jungkook because everyone just sees him as the nice, cute, popular guy. I seem to be the only person wondering, 'Who is he'? Who is the boy under the mask?"
That gave Professor Park Jimin second thought. All day students in his class had asked if they could do their final assignment of the semester about Seoul Academy's hottest student. He told them all no because he knew that the girls and occasional guys were asking so that they can be closer to Jungkook. However, Y/N was the best performing student in his cinematography class and didn't spend much time chasing after the boys in this school. She was always filming something or editing the footage from her camera.
"Don't disappoint me, Miss Y/L/N." Professor Park sighed, giving in to his student's wishes. "I expect an amazing project as always."
"Yes! Of course, Mr. Park!" Y/N bowed graciously with a smile planted on her face. "I won't let you down."
Y/N quickly grabbed her back and exited her professor's office. She decided to head to the college cafeteria to meet with her 3 best friends when she spotted a tall brunette walking on the campus. His bag lazily slung across his shoulder.
"Jungkook~ah!" Y/N ran towards the boy. "Jungkook~ah!"
The puzzled brunette glanced around the campus, curious as to who was calling for him.
"Ah, Y/N~ssi?" Jungkook answered to familiar, yet unfamiliar face, patiently waiting for her to catch up. "Gwenchana?"
Jungkook was popular around campus but he was used to being surrounded by girls, though he didn't enjoy it as much as they thought. One of the things he noticed about Y/N was how she didn't constantly fawn over him and he liked that about her. So, this was a rare sight for him to see.
"Jeoneun gwaenchanh-ayo. I'm okay." The girl, smaller in comparison to the boy now walking along beside her smiled, running a hand through her hair. "Jungkook~ah? I kind of have a favor to ask of you."
The boy kindly tilted his head to look at the petite girl.
"Yes, Y/N~ssi?"
"You know Professor Park?" Y/N looked at Jungkook, expecting him to at least know the name.
"Ah. Professor Park Jimin?" He thought in wonder. "Ye, he's my photography teacher."
Photography? Y/N thought. I thought he only taught cinematography. I never knew he taught photography as well.
"Oh, well he's also my cinematography teacher. He gave us an assignment to film a big project and well, I'm a sucker for documentaries so I thought about doing one about you." Y/N gave Jungkook a pleading smile as she saw that they were nearing the college cafetorium.
"Oh? Why me?" Jungkook glanced towards her, intrigued.
"Well, people just see you on the outside. Smart, attractive but I have a feeling that people don't get to know you for you. Am I right?"
"You know what, Y/N~ssi." Jungkook stopped walking, facing Y/N. "I'm in."
This caused Y/N to freeze as well, not noticing her friends waiting behind her in front of the cafeteria.
"Sure! I don't mind. Just between me and you, I'm a sucker for documentaries as well." He winked at her. "Here's my number and address just in case you need it. I don't want to take more of your time away from your friends."
Jungkook then walked away, leaving the cinematographer in shock.
   "Yah! Y/N!" Hoseok yelled at the girl. He and her other two best friends walked towards her.
  "Aish. The poor girl is paralyzed!" Jisoo poked her friend.
   "Why on Earth were you talking to Jeon Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.
    Y/N had no idea what to say. All she knew was that Jungkook was an interesting character.

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