4. Hyung pt. 1

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Jungkook had woken up in the morning to the sound of his alarm blaring throughout his childhood bedroom. Jungkook had informed his teachers and Y/N the night before to inform them that he would be out of school today. In spite of all this, the Biophysics major had for gotten to turn of his alarm.
   To his surprise, he had woken up to the smell of delicious food. It wasn't very often that his hyung made food but when he did, it meant that it was a special occasion. He was surprised once again when he had walked into the kitchen to find a glass of juice, a plate of breakfast, and a note.
       "Jungkook~ah. I went to go pick up something for you. All plans are still on track. Be ready by 11. Love, Yoongi Hyung." Jungkook read aloud to no one in particular. He glanced up at the clock only to see that it was 10:50. He couldn't believe that he had slept so late. He didn't think that he was this tired from college courses kicking his ass everyday. It was dimly lit outside due to the streetlights outside and the night covering the sky.
   Jungkook hurriedly ate his cold breakfast from this morning and gulped down his juice. He planned on wearing a simple, white long sleeve and a pair of black jeans, unaware of what was in store today with his hyung.
    Just as quickly as it took for Jungkook to look presentable, was just as fast as his hyung had arrived back home.
   "Hi, hyung." Jungkook grinned at his Yoongi. "Where are we going?"
     "You'll find out when we get there." He patted Jungkook's head, despite him being much taller than him. "Let's get in the car."
   "So, Jungkook~ah." Yoongi had broke the comfortable silence of the car ride. "How is junior year of college? Is it better than last year?"
   Last year, Jungkook had been bullied in college. Unbelievable, right?! Despite still being smart and attractive to all the girls when he had wearing glasses and having almost no acne, their boyfriends were not the biggest fans of Jungkook.
  "Yes, hyung." He sighed. "The bullying stopped, probably because my small change in appearance but I think the guys who were doing it. realized that I'm no threat to their relationships."
    "Thank God. I wouldn't want to have to beat someone up." Yoongi playfully laughed although he had meant every word. "Have you picked a major yet?"
  "Biophysics. I still couldn't completely choose though because I had picked Photography beforehand. So, I guess both, honestly." He thought about his choice words.
    Although he was telling the truth, Jungkook was scared that Yoongi might ask him why he did something like Biophysics. He was never good at lying to his hyung so he tried to make it as truthful as possible. It wasn't that he didn't like science. He loved it, actually.  He loved photography more though and had only taken biophysics because he knew that Jeon Industries had specialized in stuff like that.
    "I figured you would do something in the science field." Yoongi continued to smile as he had pulled into their destination. "You had always liked science growing up."
   Before he could respond, he was in awe at the sight of the large amusement park in front of him.
    "An amusement park, hyung?" Jungkook blinked in shock, knowing that Yoongi only took him to amusement park on special occasions. However, Jungkook didn't know what that could possibly be.
  Yoongi decided to take the lead on this one and drag Jungkook into the park.
   "Yes. You may not realize how special today is because you're so busy as a college student," Yoongi smiled as he paid for two all-access wristbands to access all games and rides. "I'm actually surprised you don't remember today."
     Jungkook was puzzled as he tried to think about what was so special about today but it didn't click. Yoongi decided on the first ride. A rollercoaster. Jungkook had always liked rollercoasters when he was a kid but now that he was an adult, he didn't get many opportunities to do fun things like this. He hardly had time to hang out with his hyung.
     They had tried multiple games and rides when Jungkook had spotted a booth with a video camera. It was the high quality kind that music videos  were shot with. When he saw the camera, one person had come into his mind.
    "Hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, pulling Yoongi into the same direction as the booth. "I need to win that camera."
     "What? Why?" Yoongi asked. "Don't you still have the camera I bought you? You didn't break it, did you?"
     "No, no, of course not. I cherish that camera with my life." Jungkook reassured Yoongi. "I want to win this for someone special."
    "A girl?! Is it a girl?" Yoongi smiled brighter than ever. "Who is she? What's her name? Grandkids?"
      "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, hyung." Jungkook chuckled. "Her name is Y/N. I- We're not dating, though but I do like her a bit."
   "Well, go on." His hyung encouraged him a bit. "I want to have a serious talk with you on the ferris wheel."
   Jungkook was good at everything. Sports, mathematics, and anything else you put him to. He had played the game that the booth had set up with ease. He had won something for a girl he liked but hardly even knew.
    Soon enough, the 20 year olds were on the ferris wheel. Jungkook didn't know what could be so important for Yoongi to do all of this for him. It wasn't that Yoongi didn't do nice things for him, it was quite the opposite. He would do small things that meant a lot and we would be the type of things that you would appreciate in life.
    "What did you want to talk about up here, hyung?" Jungkook asked.
   "It's hard to say exactly." Yoongi blushed. "I don't have conversations like this with you very often."
   "It's okay, hyung."
      "Well... today is a day of days. Today is the day that your parents had unfortunately passed away." Yoongi made eye contact. "But it's also the day that I legally adopted you, Jungkook~ah."
      Jungkook couldn't believe he had forgotten about this day. He had so many negative and positive emotions about this day. Being a college student distracts you from everything I guess. Even so, he was shocked because he had forgotten about another special thing about today.
    "Happy birthday, Jungkook~ah." Yoongi smiled softly at his technically adoptive son. "6 years, kiddo."
      "Yea," Jungkook sniffled. "It has been 6 years."
   "I know that it gets hard for you to take care of me sometimes. I know this and you shouldn't have to do that. I may not have been the best parent for you but I want you to know that you are the best gift that I have ever received. Thank you for that." Yoongi smiled at him. "This is so cheesy! Open your gift already."
      Jungkook had looked down to see a gold bag that Yoongi had set on his lap. When he opened it he found a camera and some film.
    "Weren't you just complaining about another camera?" Jungkook chuckled.
       "Hey, hey." Yoongi joined. "It's a polaroid camera. Try it out."
   Jungkook took a picture of Yoongi holding up a peace sign. He liked his new camera and the new memories of his birthday this year.
     "I also got you an internship at a really cool science lab." Yoongi pulled out an employee card with Jungkook's name. "I thought you might like it but judging by your face, you don't."
   "Hyung, I have something to confess but I want you to promise me you won't get mad at me."
   "I won't be able to attend the internship."
    "What? Why not?"
        "I'm already in an internship... at Jeon Industries."
      "What the actual fuck."


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WOW. Are you proud of me 😂. I updated!

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