9. An Unseen Friend

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"Y/N, can we talk to the two of you." One of the Lee~Kim twins frowned, looking up at the newly announced couple. "In private."
"Sure." Jungkook answered, pulling Y/N along with him and the twins outside of the cafeteria.
"What's up, guys?" Jungkook gripped Y/N's hand tighter, smiling at the twins.
"Don't go public." The eldest twin, Kim Jennie, crosses her arms. "It isn't good for you two."
"Jennie noona ," Lee Felix sighed at his twin sister. "What she means is that we think Jungkook is in danger and is the same person who hurt Min Yoongi hyung."
The Lee~Kim twins knew Min Yoongi very well. He had grown up with the twins before he had moved to America for a bit.
About a week ago, he had contacted the twins. He was saying that he was sure he was being watched or followed. Yoongi has always been right.
He had given the twins a box full of classified information and materials for Jungkook and his dongsaeng from America if he were ever to meet her once again.
"There were men in white suits," Jennie frowned to herself, recalling the events that happened to her in class earlier. "The asked if anyone knew about connections between Yoongi oppa, Jungkook, missing spiders, and a missing symbiote. I'm not dumb and knew that this had something to do with Jeon Industries."
"What?!" Y/N's eyes widened at the news, gripping tighter on Jungkook's arm. "Why are they looking for him?"
"No idea but no one trusts it." Jennie shrugged, pulling out a silver, metal box from her backpack and handing Jungkook a metal box. "I don't know what happened after because as soon as they asked to talk to a Kim Jennie, I ran. I think it has something to do with this box that Yoongi oppa gave me. He asked for me to give it to you only if something happened to him and men in suits start looking for you."
Jungkook was shocked by what he was hearing. He had only ever met the Lee~Kim twins once. He was about 15, the twins were 17, and Yoongi was 20.
Jungkook has lived with Yoongi for two years now and he was slightly better than when his parents had passed away and his brother fled. However, he would sometimes have panic attacks or he would wake up with severe nightmares and only his hyung could calm him down.
He had woken up with a nightmare and Yoongi rushed into his room with two other people. He didn't know who they were and that scared him even more.
They looked really different. Vastly different. The tall boy had ginger hair, freckles, and a smaller upper lip. The small girl next to him also had freckles but had black hair and smaller lips. Their faces looked nothing alike.
"Hey, shhh." Yoongi whispered to Jungkook, rubbing his back as he laid his head on Yoongi's lap. "There's nothing to be scared of, I'm right here, kiddo."
Jungkook had calmed down a bit, wiping tears left and right as the twins approached him.
"Hi, Jungkook~ah. I'm Jennie noona." The girl gently smiled at him. "It's okay. We lost our dad, too."
"Yea, it's okay bud." The boy patted his hair. "I'm Felix hyung. You aren't alone in this, Jungkook~ah."
He never knew why they were there but for them to know this type of information, he could assume why.
Jungkook was grateful for that moment. He understood why Jennie and Felix had two different outlooks on life and why they were fond of him.
Kim Jennie was given her father's last name. She had a negative outlook on life ever since she had lost her father at 16. She used to be optimistic and cheerful like her father until he died. She was pretty sure that her father had been murdered. He had left his job at Jeon Industries because he knew things, secrets. When he was murdered after he left his job, Jennie became a cold and closed off person, although inside she was still a sweet, caring person.
Lee Felix was given his mother's last name which was why the twins didn't have the same name. Their parents had wanted both family names to live on and decided to give them both surnames. Felix was always positive and outgoing. When their father died, he had to be even more positive as he protected his older sister, Jennie. Even if he were breaking more and more inside himself.
"Thanks for the heads up, noona and hyung." Jungkook nodded at them, smiling as he held the box in one hand and Y/N's hand in another. "We'll keep an eye out."
The couple walked back into the cafeteria and sat back down with their friends.
"What was that about?" Jin asked, confused about why they were out there for so long.
"It was nothing, hyung." Jungkook smiled as he thought about what objects could be in that silver, metal box.
    Jungkook was curios, scared, and confused. Why would his hyung never tell him about this box?
Y/N had left to grab some clothes to spend the night again because she believed that Jungkook needed to be with someone until he was at least a bit okay. Y/N had left her stuff at his house and Jungkook was pacing back and forth about what he should do.
"Let's just take a small look." Jungkook sighed to himself as he opened the metal container.
When he opened the box, he saw newspaper clippings and other materials. He decided that he would read through those later as two photos caught his eye.
The first being a picture of Yoongi and Jungkook's parents. What did Yoongi know about his parents and Jeon Industries? What was he hiding?
The second photo he saw was what looked like half of a picture of a little girl. Jungkook knew for sure that his hyung didn't have any younger siblings. So who was this little girl who looked so familiar to him?
For some peculiar reason, the story Y/N had told him popped into his mind and he decided to check her bag while she was out.
As he was searching, he had found a photo of a slightly older, little boy like Y/N had told him about.
Oh shit. Jungkook thought to himself as he slowly pieced the photos and his thoughts together.
"Yoongi is the boy Y/N was talking about!"
Y/N had walked into his room shortly after, not knowing the information that Jungkook had found out.
"Kookie! I knocked on your door like five times!" She giggled but soon stopped as she saw the look on Jungkook's face. "Jungkook, what's wrong honey?"

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