5. Hyung pt. 2

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Growing up, there was never a moment when Jungkook had felt like a little kid. However, sitting in a car with an angry but silent Yoongi was not only scary to him. It made him feel like a little kid who had gotten in trouble for drawing on the walls and put into timeout.
    "Yoongi hyu-" Jungkook attempted to break the silence but was cut off by Yoongi's hand.
   "Please be quiet, Jungkook~ah." Yoongi whispered. "I need to think. I just don't understand why. Why you would disobey my orders."
     "Hyung." Jungkook sighed. "I just don't understand why I have to stay away! I'm one of the rightful heirs! It shouldn't matter this much!"
   "But it does, Jungkook~ah, it does! That company is the very thing that caused your parents to lose their god damned minds and cost them their lives!" Yoongi yelled at Jungkook, desperate to get through to him. "I don't want to see it happen to you. I can't let it happen to you. You're the only thing I have."
    "I'm sorry, Yoongi hyung." Jungkook whispered.
   "It doesn't matter. The damage is done."
   "I'm sorry I disappointed you."
  "Is that really what you think? That you disappointed me?" Yoongi quickly glanced to his younger. "Sure, I may be upset, but you could never disappoint me. I'm unbelievably proud of you, kid. No matter what."
    "Thank you, hyung." The boy smiled brightly. "Can you drop me off at J.I.?"
   Yoongi still didn't like the thought of Jungkook being anywhere near Jeon Industries, but because it was something Jungkook had interest in and he knew he shouldn't hold him back from it. Yoongi knew that there was something terribly wrong with the company though. He knew firsthand.
  "Promise to be careful, okay?" Yoongi almost pleaded. "I need you."
  "I will, hyung." Jungkook smiled, getting out of the car. "I love you, hyung. Call me if you need anything."
   "Yeah, yeah. I love you too, kid." Yoongi showed off his gummy smile. "Happy Birthday, Jungkook~ah. I'll see you later tonight."
   Jungkook grabbed his present and the camera that he had won for Y/N after watching Yoongi drive off. Jungkook walked inside the huge research center and grabbed his white lab coat hanging off one of the hooks.
   "So, do you know the next time that he'll be here?" Jungkook heard a female voice that caught his attention, turning towards the front desk.
   "I'm sorry. It's a bit unpredictable. Jungkook can sometimes come in during the day, sometimes he comes in during the night." The secretary at the front desk explained to the woman. "It's honestly a wild card with him. See, today's his birthday so he may not show up. Sorry, dear."
   "Hi, Miss Ha Na." Jungkook smiled at the secretary as he walked towards the desk. "I'm sure that I can help this young lady- oh!"
      "Hi, Jungkook~ah!" Y/N waved shyly, not actually expecting Jungkook to be here.
   "She's with me, Miss Ha Na." Jungkook smiled. "Come on, Y/N."
  Jungkook started to walk down the big white corridors with Y/N besides him. Y/N took out her camera and started to film her documentary subject.
    "Mr.Jeon. Care to smile for the camera?" Y/N smiled at Jungkook.
  "Y/N, you're making me flustered!" Jungkook blushed, handing her the bag with the camera he had one for her. "Your memory is saved to an SD card, right?"
   "What's this?" Y/N grinned mischievously, wriggling her eyebrows at him. "The birthday boy got me a present?"
    "Oh, hush and just open it."
  Her face as she opened the contained many different emotions. Confusion, sadness, and joy. Jungkook was confused as to why she would have been sad at his actions. Confused and joyful, he could understand.
    "Jungkook~ah.... you really didn't have to do this for me." She smiled quizzically at the boy standing before her. "Thank you so much."
   As Y/N quickly jumped up and gave him a hug, Jungkook couldn't help but to feel warm inside. He wanted to blame it on the girl's temperature but he couldn't blame that on why his heart was racing so fast. He knew exactly what this feeling was. What he didn't know is that you felt the same.
    "You're welcome, Y/n~ssi." He gleamed as you two pulled away. "Let me show you around while you interview me a bit."
   "Okay. Well, state your name, age, and occupation for the record please."
     "Hi, my name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm 20 years old as of today. I intern at Jeon Industries and I am a student at Seoul University." Jungkook complied joyfully. "Jeon Industries is a research lab dedicated to the advancement of science and oddly, genetic mutation."
   "Yeah, I'll show you." Jungkook shivered a bit as he pulled you to a chamber filled with what seemed to be thousands of spiders. "When you look into this chamber what do you see?"
    "Thousands of ordinary, little demons." Y/N shivered beside him.
   "Well, what if I told you that these spiders are actually genetically mutated." He smiled professionally. "Due to their genetically mutated state, we have to keep them in this chamber because they had become radioactive."
  The girl's eyes had widened in shock as the boy continued to inform her and who would soon be the audience of their documentary.
   "I mean, if you were to be bitten by one of these things, you would either die or become genetically mutated yourself. Death is the higher risk, however."
   Y/N just gulped in fear and glanced around the giant lab she was inside of. The saw a similar chamber filled with what seemed to be a tar like liquid. She couldn't help but let her curiosity get the better of her, walking towards it.
   "What is this?" Y/n tapped, not knowing any better as thing at her but failed to attack due to the glass.
   "Don't do that. It doesn't like that." Jungkook laughed. "It's some type of symbiote or something. No one knows where it came from though and no one created it."
    "So... it's its own living being?" Y/N stared at the boy.
  "Not exactly. Many scientists have died trying to experiment on it for us to figure out this information." Jungkook hesitated. "It needs to live through someone else. It needs a human to attach to."
   You were about to ask Jungkook more when his phone rang.
    "Yoongi hyung?" He answered, shocked and confused.
   "Hello, is this Jeon Jungkook?" Someone else answered the phone.
   "This is him. May I ask who this is?" He asked as he put the phone on speaker.
  "This is Dr. Manoban." The woman over the phone stated. "Yoongi is in the hospital right now. His lungs aren't doing very well due to the fire damage. The carbon monoxide in his system is slowly killing him."
    "F-fire? C-Carbon Monoxide?"
        "Yoongi is dying."

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