3. Jungkook

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Announcement: The Amazing Spiderman|JJK x Reader now has an official Twitter where there will be polls, updates, and reader interaction that will sometimes affect the story 👇:

Announcement: The Amazing Spiderman|JJK x Reader now has an official Twitter where there will be polls, updates, and reader interaction that will sometimes affect the story 👇:

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Let's begin.

Jungkook began to head to his hyung's house when he remembered that he gave Jungkook money to buy a few bottles of Soju.
    This was a usual thing for Yoongi to ask of Jungkook. The young boy looked at his surroundings. He saw a restaurant and decided to spend money on takeout there for his hyung.
     This was also a common thing for the two. Jungkook would disobey his hyung in this matter to keep his hyung safe and make sure his body wouldn't be dependent on alcohol.
  Once Jungkook walked a couple of blocks, he found himself already at the doorstep of Min Yoongi.
      "Hyung. Are you awake?" Jungkook asked the empty-looking house after unlocking the door with his key. "I brought you some kimchi and jajangmyeon."
   Jungkook looked around his childhood home to see bottles of Soju leaving a trail to the living room couch. He managed to walk to the living room past the bottles of alcohol to see a sober Yoongi with disheveled hair.
    "Hyung. I brought you food." Jungkook stated again, standing in front of his hyung.
      "Jungkook~ah. What have I said about disobeying me, hm?" Yoongi murmured, treating Jungkook as if he were back in middle school.
  "That I should always obey and respect my hyungs and to never spend your money on food unless it comes with a bottle of Soju because money is a harmful power." Jungkook sighed disappointedly.
   "Exactly. And what comes with such a great power, Jungkook?" Yoongi scolded his younger, resting his head on his propped up elbow.
      "Responsibility, hyung."
  "Exactly." Yoongi pointed at him. "So, what food did you get, Jungkook~ah?"
     "I brought you kimchi and jajangmyeon, hyung." Jungkook handed him the food. "Hyung, you need to sober up, eat more. You're only 25 and you are on your way to becoming an alcoholic."
     "Jungkook~ah, why do you worry about my drinking habits so much?" Yoongi murmured, stuffing his mouth with food.
    "The same reason why you worry about me being at Jeon Industries. You are the only thing I have, hyung." Jungkook admitted to his older. "Besides, a habit like this could kill you! You're body is gonna start to rely on it if you don't slow down. I'm 20 now, hyung! I'd love to repay you for raising me but I can't take care of you forever, ahjussi."
    "I'm not that old, you silly rabbit." Yoongi smiled at his younger. "I will try to sober up for you."
       "Thank you, hyung."
"Yeah, yeah. Come eat, Jungkook~ah."
     Yoongi and Jungkook had a very close relationship. Yoongi did raise him since he was 13 after all. Yoongi had seen everything. Yoongi has been through everything with his younger. Jungkook was practically like a son to him and felt the need to always protect him.
   Yoongi was there when Jungkook hit puberty. When he had his first date, first girlfriend, first kiss, first heartbreak. Yoongi was there in all his phases from his emo phase to the man he's grown up to be today. Yoongi didn't say it much but he made sure to show how proud he was of the boy. He was proud that Jungkook had grown into a smart, decent, kind young man.
     "Jungkook~ah." Yoongi softly spoke, breaking the comfortable silence they both had learned to be comfortable with. "You're not going to school tomorrow. We have somewhere to be."
"Where are we going, hyung?" A confused Jungkook asked.
     "We are going to spend time together, just me and you." Yoongi admitted. "You are like a son to me and I know I don't express this much but nothing can describe how proud I am of you. Even when you disobey my orders."
     "Thank you, hyung."
  "Thank you, Jungkook~ah for being the best son I could ever have."
    Jungkook felt content at best with Yoongi's endearing words. Sure, Jungkook's own parents had died when he was at a young age but even when they were alive, he nor his older brother had ever heard those words come from their parents' mouths. Jungkook made sure not to take it for granted either, keeping his hyung's words close to heart. Jungkook then realized that it had been a long day. It was almost close to 1 am.
    "Come on, hyung." Jungkook stood up. "It's really late and you should get some sleep."
   "I need to clean up the place, Jungkook~ah." Yoongi sighed, throwing his trash away and maneuvering over beer bottles.
   "I'll take care of it, hyung. Go get some rest."
   Yoongi nodded at the younger and headed to his room. Yoongi had to get up early to go get his paycheck from work, Jungkook knew this which is why he told him to rest.
  Jungkook started picking up at the front entrance of Yoongi's apartment.
There were so many liquor bottles littered around the place that he could've sworn that Yoongi was manufacturing his own Soju company. After about 20 minutes, Jungkook had managed to clean up all the bottles. He had put them in a garbage bag outside the door and began to sweep and mop. That took another 30 minutes.
   Jungkook when out of the apartment to go run the trash out to the dumpster of the complex. He looked up into the night sky and saw the stars. He honestly couldn't stop admiring how beautiful they were. It made him think of you.
     Jungkook finally snapped out of his dazed state and decided to return back to Yoongi's apartment. It was late at night and he truly missed his childhood home. He lived on his own and attended college after all. He didn't get to spend very much time with hyung and he tried to make it his duty to take care of him.
     The tired college student finally arrived inside his old room. He was so exhausted from the day he had that he had only changed into pajamas, deciding to wash up in the morning.
    He snuggled himself deeper into the covers, slowly drifting into slumber. He heard his door creak open however and quiet footsteps coming closer afterwards. Jungkook's eyes remained shut though as he felt the edge of the bed dip lightly, his head facing that same edge.
    The person had made sure that he was tucked in tight in his bed and his windows were closed on such a chilly night. The person was silent and gentle at the same time. The silent figure then gently stroked the younger's hair for a few minutes before deciding to sleep himself.
     "Goodnight, Jungkook~ah." Jungkook heard Yoongi whisper quietly and soothingly before lightly kissing his forehead, making sure not to wake the younger as he closed his door.

" Jungkook heard Yoongi whisper quietly and soothingly before lightly kissing his forehead, making sure not to wake the younger as he closed his door

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Last announcement: Your heart will not be ready for chapters 4~6 ╥﹏╥
I'm not even ready.

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