12. The City's New Hero

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"Holy-" Taehyung blinked in shock at what he had just witnessed. "You really do have powers!"
"Yeah, but what do I do about it?" Jungkook paced back and forth on the ceiling. "I have all this power. I have to avenge Yoongi hyung but how? What's next after that?"
"Well firstly, get off my ceiling." Taehyung lightly chuckled. "Second, what would Yoongi hyung say."
   "Exactly. And what comes with such a great power, Jungkook?" Yoongi scolded his younger, resting his head on his propped up elbow.
"Responsibility, hyung."
"Exactly." Yoongi pointed at him. "So, what food did you get, Jungkook~ah?"
    "He'd tell me that with great power comes responsibility." Jungkook sighed at the memory.
   "Well, I say with great powers comes a responsible superhero." Taehyung smiled at him. "There has been an increase in crime lately."
   "Hyung," Jungkook eyed Taehyung as if he were insane. "Those are all petty thefts and the police have caught most."
  "But the biggest one is still at large!" Taehyung jumped excitedly. "If you catch him, it could be your big break! Might even be your big break to catch hyung's killer."
   As Jungkook was about to agree, his phone rang. It was Y/N so he decided to pick up the call.
      "Hi, babe." Jungkook smiled as though Y/N could see him.
   "When are you coming home?" Y/N whined, cutting to the chase.
    "I'm gonna be there in like half an hour, why?" Jungkook chuckled, imagining the look of impatience on her face.
     "I was going through my camera and realized that I'm behind in my documentary. I don't have enough footage." She sighed through the phone. "Plus, you have work today."
    "Ah, I forgot." Jungkook sighed in realization, waving to Taehyung as he headed out of his house and started to web sling his way home. "I'll be home in like 5."
   "Where are you? Why does it sound so windy?"
  "Oh, uh- running?"
   "Okay, don't run to hard. You're still sick."
   "Okay, love you."
       "I love you, too!"
  Jungkook stopped about 2 minutes from the house to make it a bit more believable that he was running.
   He stopped at the front door when he saw a cute puppy outside in the grass area. No one in this area had any puppies or dogs for miles.

His collar had no name and all he saw was an empty box with a note that said, "please take care of me" on it

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His collar had no name and all he saw was an empty box with a note that said, "please take care of me" on it.
   He assumed that the dog had been in the box in front of the house for a while and that it was a surprise from Y/N.
     He picked up the puppy and he surprisingly came to without a fight.
       "Babe. Did you do this?" He yelled with a smirk as he walked into the house. The puppy gleefully jumping out of his arms and running off into the direction of the bedroom.
    "Jeon Jungkook!" Y/N gasped as he walked into the room with such a sly smirk and his hands in his pockets. "Where on earth did you get a puppy?"
   Y/N wasn't mad or anything, just surprised. She thought that he had picked him up on the way home.
    "Wait, so you didn't do this?" Jungkook handed Y/N the note.
    "Sorry, babe. Not me." She returned the note to Jungkook, laying down to pet the puppy. "He is quite cute though. Can we keep him?"
    "I was gonna ask you the same thing." Jungkook smiled, laying down as well to play with the puppy. "But we have to buy him some stuff, too as well as name him."
     "How about Min?" Y/N looked into Jungkook's eyes with love. "For Min Yoongi."
  "I'd love that." He smiled back at her. It felt like the world had moved a bit slower and they both wanted to stay like this forever but alas Jungkook had work, Y/N was behind in her documentary about Jungkook, and it was Friday night. And they now needed  dog food.
     "Move in." Jungkook blurted out in his state of euphoria.
   "What?!" Y/N sat up.
      "Move in with me, jagiya." He repeated without hesitation.
   "How am I gonna move all my stuff over here, Jungkook~ah?" She chuckled. "We're both so busy."
    "Let's worry about that later. Let's enjoy right now. We can take one more day off."
    "Okay." Y/N smiled snuggling with Jungkook with just enough space for Min. "Let's do it."

        (Short Chapter, I'm sowwy 😖🐰)

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