6. Fire

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"Where is he?" Jungkook panted, out of breath from running all the way to the hospital. "Can I please see Min Yoongi?"
   "Yes, sir." The nurse at the front desk smiled sadly at the boy. "He's in room _."
  "Thank you!" Jungkook bowed before rushing into the hallway filled up with rooms of patients. From old to young, boy or girl, child or parent.
   He continued speeding down the hallway until he found the room that Yoongi was in. He could feel his heart shatter at the sight. Scorch marks of different varieties all over his body. The tubes helping him to breathe and even live for a bit longer than the short amount of time that he had due to the carbon monoxide poisoning. Yoongi holding onto dear life for the sake of Jungkook.
    "Hyung.." Jungkook gulped, voice cracking. "What happened?"
   "Jungkook~ah." Yoongi slowly turned towards the voice of the birthday boy.
    "What happened, hyung?" Jungkook sat in the chair beside Yoongi's bed, blinking away tears. "Was it an accident, hyung? That's what they told me on the phone."
   "This was no accident, Jungkook~ah." The older painfully and slowly shook his head, holding onto Jungkook's hand. "Just make sure to watch out for yourself. Especially around Jeon Industries. They're dangerous people."
  All Jungkook could do was nod. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to the one person who was always there for him. The person who raised him, cared for him, and loved him no matter his stupid decisions.
    "Jungkook~ah. Remember when I put you into track and that one kid tripped you which broke your leg." Yoongi softly smiled as he caught Jungkook's attention, who softly nodded. "You were so little and so scared of the hospital. You held my hand so tightly that I thought it was going to fall off but you ended up okay in the end, right?"
"This isn't exactly the same case, kiddo but I know that in the end you'll be okay." Yoongi squeezed his hand in a calming manner. "Tell me more about this mystery girl you like. Is she smart? Kind? Cute?"
   "She's all those things, hyung." Jungkook smiled sadly at the person he cherished most. "She isn't very tall compared to me but she's very sweet, incredibly smart, and unbelievably kind."
    "Do you have any pictures of her?"
  "Yea, actually. She happened to come by Jeon Industries tonight and wished me a happy birthday." Jungkook whipped out his phone to show him a selfie that the two of you took. "She's someone I think that you'd approve of."
   "I already do. I can see how happy she makes you." Yoongi smiled, full of joy and sadness. "Keep her around when I'm gone."
    "Hyung.." Jungkook gripped his hand tighter. "You're worrying me."
   "Don't worry about me, you troublemaker. I'll always be in your heart and watching from up there." Yoongi playfully smirked, nudging Jungkook. "I love you, Jungkook~ah."
       "I love you too, Yoongi hyung." Jungkook finally let all his tears spill out. But just as he said that, Yoongi's heart monitor started beeping at a sickeningly slow pace, only decreasing more and more.
     Jungkook sat there in shock as nurses and doctors filed in, Yoongi closing his eyes to finally rest. Before he knew it, Jungkook was in hysterics. He just watched his hyung, his best friend, his life die. He watched like a zombie as the tried to bring him back but he knew they couldn't. He knew Yoongi was already far gone and watching him from above. His mind was gone and he was now numb.
    Jungkook quickly left the hospital, angrily and sadly wiping tears from his face. He noticed on the way there that there was a liquor store by the name of "Soju Palace". He recognized it as the one that was in Y/N's neighborhood. Not being in the right state of mind, Jungkook went inside and bought bottles upon bottles of Soju and headed back to his own house 2 blocks away.
    He drank and he drank, hoping to forget today, hoping to forget Yoongi, hoping to forget that he even existed. However, it failed and just left him drunk, sad, and angry. He just couldn't contain his anger and started to throw a variety of things around his house. He was a mess and even in his drunk state, he knew this.
   Jungkook kept receiving multiple messages and phone calls from Y/N who was concerned and waiting for Jungkook to answer. He was to busy throwing things to notice though. He had only stopped when he had realized that he had hit a photo of him and Yoongi. Alive, happy, smiling.
   Jungkook broke down in tears, begging for help on the inside. Begging for another chance he knew wouldn't come.Hearing his phone ring again, Jungkook finally decided to pick up.
            "Jungkook~ah? You..picked up."
   "Are you alright? What happened?"
"He's gone, Y/n~ah."
   "So, that's why you sound so drunk."
"I miss him."
                                     "Where are you?"
                                    "I'm coming over."
"Please, hurry."
"Do you need something on my way?"
"I just need you."
With that, Jungkook hung up the phone and waited for you to arrive.
   "Jungkook?" You opened the door, the smell of Soju hitting hard. "Kookie?"
   "I'm in here." You heard coming from one of the rooms. Trying to make it to where you heard the voice, you walked over tons of Soju bottles.
   "Hey." You whispered softly as you laid alongside him on his bed and began to gently rub his back.
   "Thanks for being here." He looked at you lovingly with glossy eyes.
      "Of course, Jungkook."
    "My head hurts so much."
"It could be because you drank more than the average alcoholic drinks in a year, Kookie. You're body is gonna start to rely on it if you don't slow down."

"Jungkook~ah, why do you worry about my drinking habits so much?" Yoongi murmured, stuffing his mouth with food.
"The same reason why you worry about me being at Jeon Industries. You are the only thing I have, hyung." Jungkook admitted to his older. "Besides, a habit like this could kill you! You're body is gonna start to rely on it if you don't slow down. I'm 20 now, hyung! I'd love to repay you for raising me but I can't take care of you forever, ahjussi."
"I'm not that old, you silly rabbit." Yoongi smiled at his younger. "I will try to sober up for you."
"Thank you, hyung."
  "I said that to Yoongi hyung once."
     "I'm sorry, oppa." You smiled softly and sadly smiled.
   "It's not your fault. I just can't believe that he's gone."
    "I know, Kookie." You ran your hands gently through his hair before getting up. "You need food in your system. I'll make something and clean up your mess while you freshen up."
     You walked into his kitchen and began to make him some food. Then, you began to clean up the mess that Jungkook left in the living room. After cleaning up what felt like millions of bottles and taking them to the dumpster you saw when you arrived, you went back to the food and put it in a bowl for Jungkook to eat.
   You turned around to go back to his room with the food but to your surprise Jungkook was leaning on the counters behind you, blocking of the entryway.
    "Jungkook~ah, you scared me!" You raised a hand to your heart but it was slowly removed and placed into Jungkook's.
   "I'm sorry. It's just that I can't get you out of my mind."
   "Oh, Jungkook~ah." You chuckled, slightly amused at his actions. "You're drunk."
   "Gosh, Y/N." He smiled, joyfully. "Haven't you ever heard that drunk words speak sober thoughts?"
    "Yes... but-"
  Before you knew it, you were in Jungkook's house, kissing him.
    "Jungkook~ah?" You looked into your eyes as you two pulled apart.
   "Life is too short, YN. So, I'll just admit that I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend. Be mine."
   "Kookie." You walked into his room, shaking your head.
    "Please?" He tugged on your arm, making you fall onto his lap. "Just give me a chance. Yoongi hyung, would've loved you and I can't lose anyone close to me again."
   "Okay." You whispered, grazing his cheek gently.
     "Thank you." He kissed the palm of your hand as he fell back on the bed, facing you.
   You sadly smiled as the boy next to you began to drift off to sleep due to your hand softly running through his hair.
   "It's not like you'll remember any of this anyway." You sadly smiled, a single tear falling from your face.
     Little did you know that he would remember every word.

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