14. Sunflower

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  "Spider-Man?" I blinked, still in shock from what happened. My brain still couldn't process what had just happened. I'd never heard of Spider-Man before, no one had. I was so deep in thought while petting Min and editing footage that I had just barely heard the door open.
"Jungkook~ah?" I called out to the silence after the door closed.
"Oh, y/n." Jungkook spoke as he entered our room. "It's late. Why aren't you sleeping?"
I stood on the bed, maneuvering around Min and my laptop. I suddenly broke down as I gave Jungkook a really tight hug.
"Huh?" He hugged back, although he was confused. "What's wrong, jagi?"
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm not mad anymore." I cried while I was still hugging him. I almost fell tons of feet in the air to my death, I didn't care about holding grudges anymore.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Jungkook held me tighter as he laid down on the bed while petting my head, moving my laptop in the process. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's better now that I see you." I snuggled into his chest, slowly falling deeper into sleep from crying so much. "I love you, Jungkook~ah."
"I love you, too." I heard him say, just before I drifted off into sleep.


"Y/N~SSI!" I was woken up by a yelling, Jungkook. His tone was much different than what I've ever heard. There was anger in his voice.
"What's wrong, Jungkook?" I slowly sat up, rubbing my eye.
"Don't 'What's wrong, Jungkook?' me!" He yelled again, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue. "You almost fell off of a 6 story building yesterday?!"
"You know?" I looked down guiltily, sort of ashamed to make eye contact with him.
"Yes,I know Y/N." He lifted my head up. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine." He sighed and hugged me. "Just as long as you be more careful."
"I will!" I smiled at Jungkook, causing him to relax just a bit more.
We both got dressed seeing as though we both had school and things to do after school but I couldn't help but get distracted by the television. Apparently, I wasn't the only person saved by Spider-man last night. Sure, I may have been the only one who clumsily fell of a 6 story building but I was still one of the multiple people that was saved by him. A train full of people would have died if he didn't stop it from falling off the broken tracks. The only thing that was left at the train scene was a black substance, witnesses saying that a creature-like thing had caused the accident.
"Ready to go, babe?" Jungkook smiled at me, pulling me out of my trance. I pulled on the yellow jacket Jungkook had let me have from the time he had walked me home, my black sneakers with a yellow sunflower on each side, and grabbed his hand as we walked to school.


"Y/N!" I heard a voice call out. "Thank god, where'd you disappear to!" Hobi yelled at me with wide eyes as soon as we had arrived.
"You were on the news after that spider guy saved you." Namjoon pointed out to Jungkook and I. "We are never going to let you on the rooftop again."
That had gotten Jungkook's attention no doubt.
"What the hell?!" Jungkook snapped at the two boys. "You two were on the roof with her and didn't stop her from stupidly falling off?!"
The glare they had received sent shivers down their spines. From the looks of it (and how hard Jungkook was squeezing my hand) he was angry again.
"I'll give you guys a two-minute running start." He sighed in anger and the other two boys took that opportunity.


I walked home with Jisoo at the end of the day because Jungkook had work today. He told me that he'd have to start working late nowadays. I haven't seen Jisoo in a while so I decided to bring her with me (especially since she hasn't met Min yet).
"Unnie?" I finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Yes?" Jisoo turned her head towards me with a bright smile.
"What do you think our future will look like?"
"How far in the future are we talking about?"
"Not far, just a few years."
"I think things will be just as they are now, We'd just be older, a bit more mature even."
I smiled in response as nothing more needed to be said.
"Maybe even that Spider-man guy will still be around." Jisoo wiggled her brows at me causing me to shake my head in laughter.
"I have a boyfriend that I love very much, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah." Jisoo playfully rolled her eyes and gave me a smile. "Rooftop?"
"Rooftop." I smiled, clearly not learning my lesson.
I wanted to get some cool cinematography for my documentary but the safe distance I limited myself to prevented it.
"Jisoo unnie, can you look out for me? To make sure I don't fall?"
"Then pay attention, Y/N!"

And that's how I ended up here, dangling of the edge of another rooftop, but this time with Jisoo trying to hold onto me and I hadn't fallen. Where I stood had actually collapsed. Both our hands were growing sweaty when I felt that familiar feeling. Falling.
This time I expected my life to truly end but once again he showed up. Spiderman.

I was curious,to say the least. I was dying to see who the boy under the mask was. Dying to see the boy under the mask who had saved me from falling off the roof of a collapsing building a few seconds ago.

I lifted up his mask a bit to expose his mouth and his cheeks. I hugged the spider boy in a tight embrace.
"You seem so familiar," I whispered to no one in particular. "Who are you?"
I proceeded to lift Spider-Man's mask further. The boy wanted to conceal his identity but due to my touch, he couldn't find words to objectify my actions.
When I finally pulled of the mask, I was in a state of shock to say the least. I was practically paralyzed, unable to form all but one name from my mouth.
"Heh. Hey, Y/N~ah." The boy grinned nervously at her.
"J-Jungkook?" I blinked. "What the hell?! You're Spiderman!"
  "Don't lecture me, Y/N!" He frowned, crossing his arms. "You weren't careful enough. I can't lose someone I love again."
   I was brought into shock again, this time for good.
   "What did you say?" I slowly smiled.
        "Not ideal timing but I love you, Y/N~ssi."
   "I love you more." I giggled just before pulling him into a kiss.

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