8. Creepy Crawlies

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   "What did you call us for, Namjoonie?" I asked one of my best friends as Jungkook and I entered my house.

        "Sit." He frowned, "Jungkook, were you in the lab the day you went into J.I?"

           Jungkook looked at me nervously, unsure of whether or not he should answer. I could tell that he was somewhat uncomfortable considering that he doesn't know much about Namjoon.

       "Yeah." He nodded, giving my and a nervous squeeze. "I was showing Y/N around the building. I didn't show much. She saw the arachnids and the symbiote."

    "Hmm, is that so?" Namjoon hummed to himself in deep thought. "Well as one of the superiors of interns I have to inform you that one of the spiders are missing."

      "Ah," I gasped as I recalled an event from earlier. "Do you think that it could've been the spider from earlier, Kookie?"

   "Earlier?" Namjoon raised a brow.

      "It's nothing really." He pointed to the band-aid on his neck. "A spider bit me  on the neck is all. It was a bit unusual, however. It might have been a spider from the lab."

       "Well, I think you should be fine then." Namjoon smiled before showing off his dimples. "I did find something out that you should know, though."

     Confusion was written across Jungkook's face. He wasn't upset but he didn't understand why he should be okay. After all, they weren't average arachnids. Were they even spiders at all?

   "What are you on about, Kim Namjoon?" Jungkook frowned with impatience. 

             "The spiders." Namjoon nodded as he gathered his things and headed for the door. "They're infused with your dad's blood."

  I sat in silence after Namjoon had left my house. Jungkook had an unreadable expression on his face. Is he angered? Confused? Upset?

  "Are you alright, honey?" I whispered as sweetly as I  possibly could, unsure of what mood he was in. I just knew that I didn't want to cross a line with him?

       "Jagi?" He quietly called to me.


   "I knew that my parent's put their blood, sweat, and tears into this company but did they genuinely do so? Is that what got them killed?"

        "I don't know, baby."  I smiled sadly at him. I felt bad for Jungkook. Life had dealt him a harsh, difficult hand.  "Do want to lie down in my room?"

     "Please?" Jungkook returned a sad smile back. "Let's just sleep."

  "Okay." I grabbed his hand, leading him to my room so that we could sleep. 

    We both fell asleep in each other's arms until the next day when school started. Little did we know how strange Jungkook would be at school.


     Jungkook and I had been holding hands all day and people surely noticed. It was now lunchtime and I could feel every set of eyes in the cafeteria on us. I tried as best as I could to ignore them as I looked for a large table in the back. 

   Today, we were going to tell our friend's  about our relationship and have them meet each other and us.

     " I think you'll like Jin hyung." Jungkook smiled joyfully as we finally found a table appropriate to seat the 7 of us. "You'll find that he's a lot like an eomma."

   I smiled at his comment as I spotted Jisoo, Namjoon, and Hoseok from a distance and waved them over to our table. They all wore different looks as they walked over to where we were seated. Jisoo wore a smirk, Namjoon wore a straight face, and Hoseok had his normal, everyday look of pure confusion.

     "So you must be the handsome Jungkook that we've heard so much about!" Jisoo smiled, gently grabbing his face to inspect it at every angle. "We've already met but I don't think you remember us."

   "Ah," Jungkook blushed timidly. "You must be Jisoo."

    "In the flesh," Jisoo winked at me. "You should date him!"

       "Nice to see you again, Jungkook~ah." Namjoon nodded as he sat down next to my side of the table.

   "I'm Jung Hoseok." Hobi sat down  next to my other friends as 2 other people arrived at our table. I assumed that these were Jungkook's friends.

     "Annyeonghaseyo," I greeted their puzzled expressions as they sat down. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you guys."

     "Hi, Y/N, I'm Jin." The first man shook my hand. 

     "Ah, so you were the eomma that I had heard all about." I smiled, returning the kind gesture.

        "Annyeonghaseyo, Y/N." The shy boy next to the first, waved. "I'm Taehyung but you can call me Tae."

    "Will do." I playfully saluted him, indicating that this wasn't a serious manner.

    After introductions of each other's friends, I looked down at my food that I was too nervous to eat. I had caught a glimpse of Namjoon's face before I had and saw that his fae was slightly red. I almost thought that he was feeling unwell until I caught him sneaking glances at Jin every so often.

    "Namjoonie, are you okay?" I asked, already knowing why his face was so flushed. "You look a bit sick. Let's go get a drink of water."

     Namjoon reluctantly got up an took his leave with me. We stopped just outside the cafeteria when Namjoon let out a deep, shaky breath that both of us didn't know he was holding.

    "Thanks, Y/N." He nodded to the beat of his own drum. "I needed the air."

      "No problem Namjoon," I smirked as he controlled his breathing. "So, Jin hm? You like him!"

     "What?! You know?" His eyes widened. "You can't tell him!"

      "Calm down, Namjoonie." I giggled at him, squeezing his shoulder for reassurance. "It's just a crush. You can trust me to keep your secret."

   "Thank you." Namjoon hugged me as we walked back to the cafeteria and sat back in our seats. 

  "Oh, Y/N's back," Jungkook smiled, standing up. "Everyone, we have an announcement." 

      Jungkook gently stood me up and gave me a look to make sure I wanted to do this.

    "Everyone," I cleared my throat, grabbing Jungkook's hand with my shaky one. "Jungkook and I are dating."

    Just as I said those words, it felt as though the whole school was looking in our direction and I could see the fear in our friends' eyes. Fear for us not fear of us being together.

                        "Bullshit." A female voice suddenly rung out, making everyone turn their heads in the opposite direction of us towards the voice, "Like hell you are."

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