13. Save The Day

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    "Babe," Jungkook groaned in annoyance as he was growing tired of all the questions he had to answer in the last 2 hours. "When can we be done? I wanna play with Min!"
   "Oh my gosh, Jungkook!" Y/N rolled her eyes again, growing equally as tired of her boyfriend's constant whining. "We're done for today. We'll continue another day."
    "I'm sorry, babe." Jungkook sighed as he got up and gave Y/N a hug. "It's just that we just got Min yesterday and I really wanna welcome him to our home, you know?"
    "It's okay, Jungkook." You giggled at the childlike man in front of you. "I want to welcome him, too. I'm just so behind in my school work is all."
    "How far?" Jungkook asked, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as you looked through your footage. "Are you gonna be able to complete it on time?"
   "I should be. Thanks to all the footage we've gotten today, I should be back on track."
As if knowing the perfect timing, Min ran in happy as can be.
"Okay, come on buddy." Y/N smiled at the cute puppy. "We should go for a walk.
The two of you had went on a walk with Min, and eventually let Hoseok hang out with your new puppy so that the two of you could go to lunch.
Jungkook had taken an extra day off yesterday so he definitely had to go into work today but he wanted to spend time with you before he had to leave.
You two decided to order jjajangmyeon at the casual restaurant Jungkook wanted to take you to.
"Y/N~ah," Jungkook spoke, breaking the silence. "I have a problem."
"What do you mean, Jungkook~ah?" You furrowed your brows in confusion. You didn't think that Jungkook had anything wrong with him minus the fact that he was sick. "Is your sickness worse than I initially thought?"
"No, babe." He chuckled, still leaving a serious tone to the moment. "Don't worry so much. I'm not sick anymore."
"I'm sorry." You smiled softly at him, taking another bite of your meal.
"It's alright. The problem is actually a friend's problem. Not mine."
"So, my friend has been hiding something from his girlfriend. Something very important, the death of someone they both loved dearly. He wants to tell her but he can't bear to break her heart, you know? What should he do? What would you do if we were in that situation?" Jungkook confessed, not entirely giving himself away. The guilt was eating him up so much and he hated hiding the fact that Yoongi was that friend that you missed so dearly, the one you've been searching for.
"Well, honestly it depends on how long you would hide it for. I obviously would be pretty pissed for a bit but I would eventually come to an understanding. Why? What is it that your hiding, Jungkook?" You took his hand in yours, concerned as to what he would say. It was actually fairly obvious to you that he was talking about himself. He gave it away as soon as he couldn't decide if it was his problem or a friend's.
"Yoongi hyung's death."
"Oh, well baby. I knew Yoongi died. I know he meant so much to you."
"He meant a lot to you, too. As you did him."
Now, you were genuinely confused. What is he getting at?
"Me? But I've never met him."
"You have." Jungkook squeezed your hands, seemingly having an anxiety attack as tears slowly fell down his face. You could say that this was far from what you expected when you decided to go out for lunch, especially having a fun time with Min. "You have."
"Jungkook! Just tell me, baby. It's clearly eating you up inside."
"Yoongi hyung is the boy you met in America. He's your oppa."
You let go of his hands, beginning to feel a mix of emotions. Confusion, anger, sadness, and doubt.
"Very funny, Jungkook." You said, not really feeling hungry anymore.
"Does this look familiar?" Jungkook let out a shaky breath as he handed you half a picture of a little girl. Of you...
"Can we leave?" You asked him, full of disappointment and hurt.
As soon as the two of you left and rushed home, you confronted him.
"How long have you been hiding this from me?"
"Since the day I opened hyung's box."
"And you looked me in the eyes as you lied to my face?"
"I'm sorry, baby."
"Please don't call me this. Not now."
"I just couldn't bare for you to hurt. To feel the pain I felt."
"How do you think I feel now, Jungkook. I feel ten times worse. I feel like shit. You let me look for him knowing that I wouldn't find him, didn't you?"
"I'm sorry."
"Is that all you can say, Jungkook? Sorry?"
Jungkook just sat there on the bed, looking down. He couldn't look you in the eyes and you were desperately hoping this was all fake. But there he sat, saying nothing more.
You didn't say anything more. You went to the closet and grabbed his work clothes, knowing he wouldn't do so after this.
"You still have work, Jungkook. I'm going to calm down for a few hours." You hugged him, resting your chin on his head. Just for a bit. "Please, come home on time."
Yes, you were mad but you didn't love him any less.
You decided to go hangout with Namjoon and Hoseok on the rooftop and spend some quality time with your friends.
  Namjoon had told you how Min was at  Jin's house when they found out that you were coming to spend time with them.
  "Wait, since when were you and Jin so close?" You smirked, sitting on the edge of the rooftop next to Namjoon. This was a dumb idea to sit here of all places on this rooftop.
   "Yeah, Joonie." Hoseok nudged his shoulder. "You and Jin, sitting in a tree..."
  "Oh, be quiet horse face!" Namjoon yelled at him, a blush noticeably creeping onto his face.
   "Aish, don't get so mad. It's not my fault you and Jin are messing around." Hobi rolled his eyes at him.
   "It's not my fault you're being dicked down by Jimin, is it?!" Namjoon frowned, exposing information that even you didn't know.
   "Do I look like I'm the sub in that relationship?!"
    "Oh my gosh, you guys." You rolled your eyes in annoyance. "Pissing contest over okay?"
   "Sorry, Hope."
"I'm sorry, Joon."
   "Hey, you've been relatively quiet, Y/N. Are you okay?" Joon asked you, a look of concern overshadowing his and Hobi's  face.
   "Let's say that you guys had a girlfriend, right. If she was looking for an important person, much more a friend, and you found out they died, would you lie to them?" You sighed.
   "Yes, I would." Hobi sighed. "Only until I could process how to tell them. I'd never hurt them intentionally."
  "Thanks for the insight." I smiled sadly, genuinely taking in his words.
  I stood up, ready to leave when I saw a red and blue figure rush by.
   "Wait, did you guys see that?!" I exclaimed, eyes wide.
     "See what, Y/N?" Namjoon asked standing up as well as the figures rushed by again.
  "That!" I pointed, stupidly leaning off the edge of the roof.
   Before I knew it, I was falling off of the roof and all I could hear was the sound of my screams and the boys calling my name. Just when I was going to hit the ground, I felt an arm around me.
   "Who are you?" I asked when my brain could finally realize that I was flying in the air in someone's arms who wasn't Jungkook. Yet, he felt so familiar.
   "I'm just up friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

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