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"Girl I don't care about any of this stuff I want to go home." Jinsoul said apathetically.

"Well, I don't enjoy your presence either but you have to stay here so we can get information out of you, maybe if you told us the truth the first time we wouldn't have to deal with you." Ana said.

Before Jinsoul could respond a boy with dark brown hair, who had a mask on his chin and wore black and grey walked in, and stopped all of a sudden when he saw Jinsoul.

"Who are you?"

Jinsoul looked at the boy a little longer, he had brown hair the same color as chocolate, but not dull. It looked clean. His outfit was ironed nicely, and the grey jacket he wore around his black shirt didn't look too tight or too big, his eyes glistened against the light bulbs of the warehouse, Jinsoul thought he was cute, but that's pretty much it. She tried to find something about his appearance that she could mock, but she couldn't surprisingly. He dressed well, smelled good, and was handsome, she guessed. for a guy, anyway.

"I should be asking you the same thing."

He looked away from Jinsoul and back to Ana and the other girl, "Why is she being like that?"

They shrugged, and he looked back at Jinsoul, "You don't have to give me your full name."

"I know I don't." Jinsoul responded with dull eyes, she was not amused, and didn't want to be near a bunch of criminals. If they'd let her go she would go to the cops, because they weren't even an interesting bunch. They were boring. Jinsoul was here for 3 hours and no one bothered to even blow up something? Boring.

"Her name is Jinsoul, she's here regarding Kim Lip." Ana responded.

"What info can she tell us about Kim?" The guy asked.

"We don't know yet, she is a love interest of hers though." The other girl spoke up.

"Yeah?" He started, "Solar, you haven't got her to cough it up yet?"

"Nope." She responded, "Guessing she doesn't actually know anything."

"Well, we can't just let her go." Ana spoke up.

Jinsoul watched the three discuss her, as she tried to undo the knot that was tying her hands.

"Why not?"  The guy asked.

Jinsoul pretended to listen, and she was close to untying the knot, her eyes looked around for any possible weapon.

"Ren, are you stupid? She can tell the police about our headquarters and everything."

Jinsoul didn't even think of that ahead of time, what a good idea. Jinsoul's right hand got free, she was actually left handed, but once her hands were free what would she do? They would notice if she took off, she needed a weapon to defend herself.

"Oh, you're right. Well, what're we gonna do with her?" 

"Use her as a prostitute."

"No, she's too pretty."

"That doesn't make sense Ren, she would sell more because she's so pretty."

Jinsoul overheard the conversation, she was more motivated to find something to defend herself. She made sure the three weren't looking and grabbed a blunt instrument, she hid it behind her so they wouldn't see.

"I don't know."

"Stop getting soft on us, Ren."

"She would be much more useful for something else."

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