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Jinsoul couldn't stop thinking about how Hyunjin and Heejin were getting married. It was so sudden and surprising but she also was super happy for them. When was the last time she was the bridesmaid to a lesbian wedding? Jinsoul watched everyone socialize at the party, Jungeun slid next to her.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking at Jinsoul

Jinsoul looked back at Jungeun, "Nothing."

Jungeun nodded and they both continued to watch everyone in silence, before Jungeun broke the silence.

"I don't think you know, but-" Jungeun started, she looked into Jinsoul's eyes, which were staring back at her with a bored, expressionless look.

Jungeun decided not to finish.

Jinsoul didn't put a second thought into it, as she stood up to grab drinks and refreshments, which would probably be the only thing she chooses to put into her body as they were not homemade, she overheard some coworkers gossiping and rolled her eyes as she put her cup down. Every drink there was carbonated and full of sugar that Jinsoul couldn't be bothered to attempt to digest.

Jinsoul was curious about what Jungeun was doing, she was pretty bored of this party. She waited until the main dinner, where she would have to pretend to eat some of the trash that she had spewed together, she was enthusiastic about cooking it, but less enthusiastic about cooking it.

Hyunjin's news to Jinsoul had sparked her interest for a moment as she had decided to walk back to where her and Jungeun were sitting, only to discover Jungeun was gone. It didn't take Jinsoul long to find Jungeun. 

Jungeun was talking to Jiwoo and Haseul, and Jinsoul slipped into their conversation.

"It's complete hypocritical! How could she bring up the no-fraternization policy when she dated Jiwoo in office?" Haseul said crossing her arms.

Jiwoo looked down moving her feet around in small circles, "Yeah.."

Haseul continued, "I'm sure that Hansol doesn't even CARE. Isn't his sister dating one of his employees?" she squinted her eyes, "I'm no genius, but none of that makes sense."

Jinsoul quickly caught onto what the conversation was about and joined in, "Yeah, I know that's part of the reason I didn't take her that seriously, if you feel me."

Haseul nodded, "I understand COMPLETELY. If you ask me, you should've went off! You should've called her out on being a hypocrite."

Jungeun and Jinsoul shot each other looks, "Yeah, I know she's supervisor though." Jungeun said looking at Haseul and Jiwoo

Jiwoo nodded, "Yes, she doesn't have the authority to hire or fire anyone, i'm not entirely sure why she was so confident in her abilities."

Jinsoul had to stop herself from gasping, Jiwoo had never talked like this? Jiwoo had always adored Sooyoung and it's shocking how her mood changed when she Sooyoung had been mentioned.

Jiwoo smiled softly, "I know that you two aren't worried about it."

Jungeun smiled back at Jiwoo, "Of course we're not, i'm not scared of forehead."

Jungeun grabbed Jinsoul's hand and led her to the drink table.

"Feeling better? You look bored?" Jungeun asked, before smiling softly, "I can't blame you, i feel bored too."

Jinsoul smiled softly and played with Jungeun's fingers, "Yeah, a little bit."

Jungeun smiled and looked down at her hand, "We can have fun after this okay?"

Jinsoul tilted her head a bit and nodded, "Okay.." she squinted her eyes, and smiled.

Hey epic gamers, i know that i haven't updated, but finals are a bitch so bare with me. I noticed that a lot of things are confusing but i hope you know that everything will tie up. Okay guys, have a good night or day wherever you are.

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