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Jinsoul continued to look out at the amount of people, different ethnicities and lots of food, none that looked particularly appealing to her. Jinsoul always has thought she enjoyed simple food that couldn't let her down no matter what.

Jungeun was sitting next to her still holding her hand and swinging it back and forth. Jungeun looked over at Jinsoul, Jinsoul looked back at her.


Jungeun smiles and tilted her head, "You're so pretty."

Jinsoul moved her hand and hit Jungeun playfully, "Shut up! You're so annoying."

Jungeun furrowed her eyebrows a bit, "No, I'm Jungeun, but you can call me Kim Lip."

Jinsoul furrowed her eyebrows in response to Jungeun, "why kim lip?"

"Kim Jungeun, Kim from there and Lip because you've kissed me on the lips."

Jinsoul remained quiet.

"You thought I forgot huh?"

Jinsoul continued to stay silent, looking ahead of her. Her daydreaming was interrupted when Hansol made an announcement for everyone to participate in the big dinner. Jinsoul wasn't going to eat anything but maybe she would pretend, for this sake.

Everyone got seated quietly, and small mummerings before a guy with jet black hair and a long neck shhed everyone, beginning the prayer.

"Thank you for having DocDox become so successful, thank you for having all our beautiful staff and volunteers be able to join us today, thank you for the food that we have, thank you. On this day. We share our thankfulness. Our struggle. And how it hurt us and made us a better person and how we're so thankful for that. Thank you all for listening I would like for us to go around the circle and make up one thing we're thankful for."

A circle? This was Kindergarten all over again. Jinsoul watched the staff members express their thanks for their belongings... once they were finish Jinsoul observed and nodded. Hyunjin said she was thankful for her wife, Hansol said he was thankful for his employees, Sooyoung said she was thankful for her job, but it was Jinsoul's turn and she didn't know what to say. Everyone was waiting, staring at her. Their eyes burned into her.

"I'm thankful for my assistant." She finally said.

Everyone started saying "aw's" Jinsoul muttered "Whatever." to herself

It was Jungeun's turn and she wasted no time responding, "I'm thankful for my boss, and my other colleagues"

Everyone said "awww" again, and began to eat. Jinsoul hope everyone would avoid the turkey but she could only get so lucky. It was the main dish.

Jinsoul picked over the food she had made herself and barely ate it, she took a bite every two minutes because she didn't want to be mean. Lord knows what would happen if it showed that she didn't like Sooyoung's mac&cheese. Jungeun laughed, socialising with people at dinner. Jinsoul kinda just,, looked down.

Jungeun was social and everyone had liked her, Jinsoul wished she could be like that. It's not that she was anti-social she just wished everyone could like her.

Jungeun looked at Jinsoul, her head was down. She was looking at her lap. "Is there something wrong?"

"No, there is nothing wrong." But there was.

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