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"I would like to hand in my two week notice." Jinsoul said to Hansol, giving him a paper explaining her departure from the company.

Hansol stared at the paper not taking it, "Jinsoul, what're you talking about."

"If you were professional, you'd read the paper." She responded spitefully.

Hansol was taken aback, "Jinsoul? What's going on, this is so unlike you."

"I don't want to be apart of this company anymore, I hope you'll understand. Well, you won't have a choice. It's been great working with you." 

He finally took the paper, "Jinsoul.." He said, he didn't want to believe that Jinsoul was actually leaving. DocDox's motto was always "DocDox were we're a family." He couldn't let Jinsoul leave after knowing her for so long. He felt as if she was like his daughter.

"Thank you." She said, before leaving the room and heading to her office, where her eyes saw Jungeun. It took everything in her to not say something.

Jungeun felt equally guilty, she couldn't look at Jinsoul. She had made the biggest screw up in her life. She didn't even like Sooyoung, she loved Jinsoul. It was unbearable to be ignored by her so she attempted to say something.

"Jinsoul, Good Morning." 

"Die." Jinsoul responded coldly, not sparing the girl another glance. Her eyes focused on packing up the fish bowl, the plushies and her blankets.

She had two more weeks before she could officially leave and never come back to this wretched company so she minus well had continued filing the insurance claims before packing up the rest of her belongings.

Jungeun assumed that Jinsoul was still mad at her for what happened that day, which was understandable now, especially when Jungeun had did something very unforgivable. If she was in Jinsoul's position she wouldn't forgive herself either, but she thought that Jinsoul didn't know what she had did, so why she was still so angry was extremely confusing to her.

"Jinsoul.. I'm.." Jungeun began, she didn't know what to say, it was hard to say anything to her.

"Jungeun I thought we both agreed to something." Jinsoul began to speak, looking up from her monitor.

"Huh.." Jungeun responded.

"That tall brunette with the short hair in the other room, we said fuck her." Jinsoul looked at her monitor and muttered under her breath, "not literally.."

"I know. I just-" Jungeun couldn't bring herself to admit her wrong doings. It was hard for her to even talk about Sooyoung without wanting to throw herself off a bridge due to the amount of guilt she was feeling.

She walked out of the room without thinking, she had to go make Jinsoul a cup of coffee, she didn't ask but she knew what she was supposed to do by now.

While she was walking to the coffee machine, she saw.. her.

"Hey Jungeun, last night was fantastic lets do it again sometime, yeah?" Sooyoung said wrapping her arms around Jungeun's neck.

Jungeun shivered, remember the feeling that she got last night before pushing the brunette off of her- hard.

Sooyoung stumbled, and looked up at the girl- "What the hell, Jungeun?!"

"I want nothing to do with you." Jungeun said, taking the coffee back to Jinsoul's office.

Sooyoung glared at the girl as she walked away, she couldn't believe she was being treated like this.

"Jinsoul, your coffee.." Jungeun said, handing Jinsoul the coffee just how she liked it. She remembered how to make it, after all this time.

Jinsoul took the coffee, and looked into the cup and back at the girl and into the cup again. Before throwing the boiling hot coffee at Jungeun.

Jungeun screamed in pain, before falling onto her knees.

"JINSOUL!" She screamed in agony, before covering her eyes.

Hansol, Haseul, Jiwoo, and Hyunjin came running into the room from all the noise.

"Jinsoul what did you do?!" Hyunjin yelled, running over to Jungeun's side.

Jinsoul just stared at the girl on her knees, trying to hold back her laugh. 

"I threw my coffee at her." She replied, before putting her gaze back onto her monitor, continuing to type.

"You have to go, like now." Hansol said, handing Jungeun some napkins and things.

"I didn't want to be here anyway." Jinsoul said, before powering off her computer and taking the bag of the few items she had already packed.

Jiwoo looked at the girl on the floor, not rushing to help her like everyone else. She thought maybe she deserved it. She watched Jinsoul walk out the door and followed her.

She spotted Jinsoul leaning against a wall on the DoxDoc building, and walked up to her.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey." Jinsoul responded.

"Are you okay?" Jiwoo asked, she would always put other people ahead of herself, and maybe that was the problem with her but she could tell that Jinsoul really needed someone to care right now.

"I'm alright. What about you." Jinsoul said, lifting her gaze from the ground and into Jiwoo's dark eyes.

Jiwoo was intimidated by her sudden glare, "I'm okay."

They both were obviously lying to each other, and it was quiet for a moment.

"I don't know why I'm really mad." Jiwoo said, with a small laugh.

"Huh?" Jinsoul responded.

"She wasn't really my girlfriend." 

"Jungeun wasn't mine either."

"Uh! Really?" Jiwoo seemed surprised, Jinsoul really was always around Jungeun.

"Yeah. I guess it's more of the principal."

"Yeah, you're right."

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