Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: A Letter?

Mina's POV

It's been a week the last time I talked with BamBam. I'm still mad at him. "Mina-chan." Sana catches my attention. "You okay?" She asked and I nodded. "You look bothered." She said and studied my eyes.

"Ugh, fine I'm not." I said. I have this feeling that something bad will happen soon. "I'm just worried." I added. She nodded and looked around. "Worried about?" She asked.

"Chaeyoung." I answered and glanced at BamBam who's staring at nothing like he's thinking very deeply. "Oh, you mean BamBam might hurt her?" She said and I nodded. "I see, but don't think too much Mina-chan." She added.

I hummed for response. Finally, our professor came in and the class has started. As time goes by, I fell asleep.

Then I woke up. I almost got a heart attack when Chaeyoung's face is what I've saw as I opened my eyes. "Babe, you scared me." I said and she just chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't bother to wake you up, I still want to stare at you while you're sleeping." She said, then I blushed. "Aish, you're too sweet." I said and playfully slapped her shoulder.

"What time is it?" I asked. "5:28pm." She said after glancing at her wrist watch that I gave to her for our first monthsary. "Come with me, I'll just put this book on my locker." I said to her as I grab my books and she carried my shoulder bag.

As we reached my locker, "Wait babe, I'm going to the comfort room real quick." She said and I nodded. As she went to the comfort room that very near my position, I opened my locker then saw a red small envelope. A letter?

I placed my books inside and took the envelope. There's no written outside. "Babe, are you done?" As I heard her voice, I quickly put the envelope in my pocket and looked at her.

"Yeah, let's go home?" I said. "Nope, let's go somewhere first." She said and held my hand, "I want you to meet someone." She added that made me confused and curious.

"I'll drive." She said and I just nodded since she knew already how to drive a car.

>>>Time Skip>>>

"Why are we here?" Asked her as we reached the cemetery after 20 minutes of ride. "Just follow me." She said as she took the flower that she bought just a minute ago.

I followed her then I realized that we are here to visit someone's grave. "Hi grandma, it's been a week since the last time I visited you. I'm sorry, I'm just too busy at school. Here, your favorite flower." Chaeyoung said as she placed the flower beside her grandmother's grave.

"And also, this girl beside me is my girlfriend. She is Myoui Mina, a pretty woman with a very soft heart." Chaeyoung then glanced at me. "Babe, meet my grandma." Then after that, I stood beside Chaeyoung.

I cleared my throat, "Hi grandma, it's very nice to meet you. Your granddaughter Chaeyoung is very lovely and caring girlfriend, she's also a very protective and supportive. She never failed at school. We hope that you're doing fine there." I said then we looked up in the sky.

"Okay grandma, we'll be going now. We will visit you every week okay? Love you grandma." Chaeyoung said and we got back to my car then went home.

>>>Time Skip>>>

I called Chaeyoung after changing my clothes into pajamas. I dived on my bed and waited for Chaeyoung to answer my call.

["Hey babe, are you at home already?"]

"Yes, have you eaten yet?" I asked.

["Not yet, I'm waiting for you."]

I smiled. "Let's eat then?" I asked.

["Sure, eatwell and I love you."]

"Eatwell, I love you too." I said before hanging up the call.

I glanced at the envelope that I'm holding right now. "I'll read you later before I sleep." I talked to the letter then put it inside my drawer.

Chae's POV

After our dinner. I texted her..

To: My Penguin🐧
Babe, I'm done.
Sent 8:07pm

Then right after that, she called me and I answered right away.

["I'm done too, what are you doing now?"]

I smiled. "Sitting on my bed while talking with you only." I said and I heard her chuckled.

["So cute."]

"I know right." Then we both laughed.

["I'm sleepy babe."]

I yawned before she said that. "Me too, let's sleep?" I asked.

["Yes, please?"]

I lay down and covered my body with a blanket. "Okay, goodnight then babe, sweet dreams. I love you." I said with my sleepy voice.

["Goodnight, dream of me. I love you too."]

I smiled then she hang up the call. I hugged my pillow then drift off to sleep.

End of Chapter 22...

Be ready for unexpected events that will happen to them, hehehehe

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