Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Sleepless night

Chae's POV

It's already 12 midnight, I'm still awake and can't feel my tiredness even we did many things earlier. We built sand castle, chasing each other, we swim and we played on the water for hours.

I slowly removed Mina's arm around my waist then carefully sat up. She's peacefully sleeping and so Minyoung between us. A tears escaped from my eyes but I immediately wiped it.

I stood up. As I got outside of the room, I took a jacket and scarf then went ousting. Geez, the air is chilling. I sat on the sand and watched the sea. It's full moon, its light gave me a way to see how beautiful the sea is.

I smiled bitterly. "Life is really tricky and unfair." I mumbled and looked up to the sky. I just stared at the stars. A second later, a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulder. "Why are you here Chaeyoung-ah? It's so cold y'know." She whispered and sniffed my nape.

That gave me shivers down to my soul and butterfly in my stomach. "Stop doing that." I said, she giggled. "Why?" She teased and do it again. I shut my eyes and gulped.

"Chaeyoung-ah." Finally she stopped. I hummed for response. "Will you believe me if I tell you I never love someone like I do to you?" She asked. Well, I'm not quite sure but, "Yes." I said.

"Please wait for me, I will try my best to fulfill my promise to you. I just needed more time." She said and I nodded. "I never get tired of waiting for you Mina." I softly said then faced her.

"Tell me, what really happened when you left us?" I asked. She lowered her head. "When we got arrived there, I never stopped thinking about you. I always cried every night and day. It was hell for me to be apart from you and to our squad." She sighed.

"Then after I graduated, my parents arranged me to marry him."

*3 years ago, last week of July..

No one's POV

"Mina, we have something to tell you." Mr. and Mrs. Myoui looked at each other then to Mina. "What is it?" Mina coldly asked. "We need you for our business." Mr. Myoui said.

"Be straight to the point." Mina muttered. "We settled you to an arrange marriage with the heir of our business par–" Mina raised her hand, signing her parents to stop.

"No, I'm not ready for it." Mina told them but Mr. Myoui was aggressive, "No Mina, you can't say no to this." Mr. Myoui sternly said. Mina angrily stood up. "So selfish huh?!" Mina hissed.

"Myoui Mina, where's your manner?!" Mr. Myoui raised his hand to slap her yet Mrs. Myoui stopped him. "Wait." Then she looked at Mina. "Do you want Chaeyoung to get hurt or obey us?"

Mina were stunned and her tears forming in her eyes. "Fine!" She faced her parents. "If something bad will happened to Chaeyoung, I'll make sure you will regret everything." Anger is really visible to her voice. She then walked out.

5 months later, before the wedding day. 1st week of January...

"Okay, let's have a deal." Mr. Myoui said to Mina. "Be with Jimin for 5 years then after that, you two can divorce but make sure you will not talk to Chaeyoung nor meet or else, we won't let you to be apart from Jimin." He said. "I do have a deal too." Mina crossed her arms.

"He must not take advantage of our marriage, I don't want him to touch me sexually. That's my deal. If he didn't follow, I'll make sure you won't ever see me again." Mina said. The two looked at each other then, "Okay, deal." They both said.

"But let me adopt a child." Mina added. "Sure." Then they went to Park's company to have a deal.

Back to present...*

Chae's POV

I nodded. "That's why you never showed up on us." I whispered and she nodded. "But why are you calling him 'Hon'?" I asked with a hint of jealousy. "It's a part of our deal." She answered and pinched my nose. After that, 3 minutes of silence filled us.

We stared at each other's eyes. "Chaeyoung, can you wait for another 3 years? After the deal, they will let me do what I want to do in my life." She asked. "Sure." And we exchanged promises again.

"Mina." I mumbled then cupped her cheeks. I stared at her gorgeous eyes down to her soft lips. "Can I?" I asked. "I'm all yours Chaeyoung-ah." She said. I smiled at her then brushed my lips to hers.

It's okay for me to wait for many years just to have her for the rest of my life. I want to marry and live with her forever. "I love you." I whispered as we broke the kiss. "I love you more Chaeyoung-ah."

End of Chapter 33...


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