Deadly Sin

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blonde hair, green eyes, fake smile, deep mind. small talk, big lies!

look closely, cant you see?

the confusion is swallowing me....

after all these years you say you love me, is that true? i know you say things like

'shes mine not yours so go away

dont you dare take my girl shes here to stay

get out our face and get out our way

shes not like you she don't betray' 

but the truth is you do and you did. 

you'll protect me forever?

im your responsibility? 

and you'll bang them out?

but hun those were just words, i mean where were you when i needed you? oh yeah, thats right! you weren't next to me while i cried or when i tried. how can you make someone feel so low? so many questions running through my mind cuz your eyes see only what others see, your words are filthy lies and your mind is see through.... oh yes i noticed that to. but when will the guilt come to you?

im praying, praying hard, to open the doors and to see the light! i dont give in, i cant give in. i cant be a part of that deadly sin!



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