I do

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Do you know how it feels like you've been hit?

With words an shit cuz it aches a bit,

Do u know how it feels to feel like your not worth it?

Like you sit a bit and feel like shit

Do u know how hard it is, to stop crying?

I mean just give up an stop trying,

Do you know how many times you've thought of dying?

Like the world ain't for you, to you its lying!

Do u know that sometimes you just can't take the pain?

Hearts heavy like its been throw again

Do you know that sometimes life looks like a game?

They way it plays you and explores you with a tame.

An do you know that one time you feel good?

But ACTUALY its a lie hiding behind the hood!

And when you tell them you know no one understood!

But do you know that you've got to stay strong

That even when your trying your doing it wrong!

Cuz I do

I do feel like I've been hit

I do feel like shit

I do feel like I'm not worth it

And I do ache a bit

I do not know how to stop crying

I do give up an stop trying

I do feel like dying

And I do feel like lying

I do feel the pain

My heart has been thrown again

I do sense the game

Cuz I'm always getting a tame

I do see the good

But then I do see the lie behind the hood

No on does understand

But I do stay strong

I try not to do it wrong

I do...

I Really do...



Does this even sound good? I did it on my phone so I can't REALY put fonts an stuff but I'll change it later... But I hope you can enjoy!?

A big shoutout to and for my best friend @mangocream cuz she's just awesome!! An she's REALY helped me out today so yh :) go an give her some votes!!



An oh yeah thanks for all the reads even tho u don't even vote but atleast you read it? Kinda? Sorta... Yhhhh 😏


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