chapter 9

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"I just don't get it, why are you letting him do this to us again?" Rose muttered, glaring at the tips of her designer high heel shoes.

"Please, Rose," Esme pleaded softly. "I know that you're hurting, but Harry is my baby boy too and I just can't turn him away. You all have done one thing or another in the past that some would say was unforgivable, but we forgave you all and welcomed you back with open arms."

"Listen to me, things are not what they seem" Carlisle said. "Just give me a minute and when Edward gets here I will explain everything that I know."

Rosalie crossed her legs and started to angrily bounce her foot. There was nothing Carlisle could say that would make her forgive Harry. She had given her heart to that boy and he crushed it and tossed it away as if it were only trash.

She hated being this angry at her little brother, but she couldn't help it. She had fallen in love with the small boy the second she had laid eyes on him. She had helped raise him and felt more like a second mother to him than a big sister. She remembered how he would cower and hide from everyone his fist few months living with them. How his huge emerald eyes would look up at them, pleading with them to not hurt him. She could still feel the terror that first night that he was with them and they had assumed that he was sleeping peacefully in his bed, only to check and find it empty. They were in a panic, thinking that the newest Cullen had ran away. How could a house full of vampires not hear a small, scared child get up and leave? They tore apart the house and surrounding woods only to find him curled up asleep in Esme's art cabinet behind some old rags and art supplies. He was so tiny that you could barely see his petite body in the cabinet, just a mop of dark hair sticking up. His magic, thinking that he needed protecting, cast a silencing charm over him so even with their vampire abilities they couldn't hear or smell him. After that she would obsessively check on her little brother multiple times a night. She even checked on him during the night when he was a teen. Harry had been her everything

The sound of Edward's Volvo coming to a stop outside their house wrenched her out of her painful memories.


Edward was confused and a bit worried. What family emergency could they be having that he couldn't bring Bella home with him? Bella was his entire world, he hated being away from her. If Jasper hadn't been the one to call him, his first thought would have been that he had slipped and killed someone again. He knew how everyday was a struggle for Jasper, having witnessed first hand his daily thoughts of draining one of their school mates or teachers dry. Alice would have seen something though and lately she had been completely vision free. He just hoped that is wasn't anything major. He wanted to get back to his sweet Bella so he could be there for her when she fell asleep. She always slept so much better when he was there with her.

Parking his car, he looked up at the house to see if anything looked different. As far as he could see everything looked normal. Running a hand through his hair, he hopped out of his car and headed towards the door. Just as he was reaching for the door handle, he froze. Tilting his head back and closing his eyes he caught the most amazing scent coming from within. For long minutes he just stood there inhaling, unable to move just savoring that incredible smell coming from inside his house. The scent was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. He wanted to charge in there grab the person who it belonged to and lock them up in his room so no harm could ever come to them. His mind also conjured up many other things he would like to do with said locked up person. Things he hadn't even

done with Bella yet.

Edward felt like he was getting drunk from the mysterious person's smell. Whoever it belonged to was human, he could hear three different heartbeats, one was beating slower as if they were asleep. The mouthwatering scent was screwing with his gift, blocking him from picking up on anyone's thoughts. He tried to concentrate, but that smell was keeping him from being able to think properly. He had always thought that Bella's scent was the most amazing in the world, but it had nothing on this person's. Bella's scent made his venom pool in his mouth and caused a hunger in him unlike anything he had ever felt before. Everyday was a struggle around her because the temptation to drain her dry was almost overwhelming. This person's scent though...this scent he wanted to bask in, wanted to roll in it covering himself completely in it. He wanted to treasure and love the owner of this scent. This scent made his vampire purr.

It had to be a drug of some sort, that was the only explanation. The more of that scent he breathed in, the fuzzier his brain became. He had never felt this lightheaded or disoriented before. Finally regaining some control over himself, he grasped the handle and opened the door. Walking into the house was like walking in an inferno...a raging fire! The scent was everywhere, strong and undiluted. Outside, while still strong, the scent had been mixed with the smells of nature and was getting carried away by the breeze, but here in the house it was clinging to everything.

Staggering back, he grasped the door to keep from falling. What the hell was wrong with him? What was that amazing scent doing to him?

"Edward, son, are you alright?" Carlisle asked, concerned over his son's strange behavior. Never before had he seen his son act in such a way, it was almost as if he were drunk. That was impossible though, vampires couldn't drink alcohol. His normally amber eyes were pitch black, completely unfocused and he was having trouble standing on his own two feet.

Edward could just make out the worried faces of his family. His vision was growing hazier by second and all he could think about was finding the owner of that tantalizing scent. When he found them, and he would, he was going to never let them out of his sight for the rest of his immortal life.

Jasper stumbled to the couch, collapsing hard on it. The emotions rolling off of Edward were too intense for him to handle. What could be causing Edward to react this way? Not even Edward's bloodlust for Bella had been this bad. This was overpowering him...suffocating him in it's intensity.

"Jasper!" Alice screamed, rushing to her mate's side. Placing her hands on both his cheeks she started soothingly caressing his face and neck. "Just relax, Jasper, everything will be alright. Just focus on my voice and try to block everything else out."

Jasper tried focusing on his mate's beautiful voice, but it was too damn hard. Edward's emotions were too strong and confusing.

Carlisle quickly approached Edward, fearful of what could be the matter with him. He was a vampire, no outside force could force him to act so strangely. Reaching out to help steady him, he snatched his hand back when his son started growling at him. Could Edward be going feral? What the hell was going on?

Edward watched wearily as his father approached, clinging to the door as if his life depended on it. He wanted Carlisle to help him, but as his father got closer, the scent got stronger. Why was Carlisle covered in a scent that belonged to him? That scent was for him, he should be the only one allowed to be covered in it. As Carlisle reached out to help him, he tried to control his anger, but he couldn't stop the warning growl that came out.

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