chapter 25

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Dumbledore stepped out of his floo and stretched. He really was getting to old for this. Looking out his window he spotted a magnificent stag grazing. The beast was truly beautiful, regal and proud. He often wondered if any trace of the man it once was still existed. When he first brought the animal here he would run, pace and cry relentlessly, and for the longest time refused to eat. He tried to escape,,,,oh how the poor beast tried to escape but there was no escaping his magically enforced, and magic dampening fields. It took a while but eventually he adapted and became one with the stag. It had been many years since had seen a spark of humanity in beasts eyes. Really, living your life out as a stag is much better then dying at the hands of a mad man. James really should be thanking him, he saved his life after all. He tricked James into leaving his house that fateful Halloween night, forced him into his animagus form, replaced him with a golum then brought him to his lovely manner where he has been spoiled ever since. Since the field prevented any magic that was not his, there was no way James could turn back.

As if sensing his presence the mighty beast raised it head and locked eyes with Dumbledore. Dumbledore felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. No, there was no way a part of James remained, not after being a stag all these years.

Shaking his head Dumbledore walked outback to where his luxurious dog kennels were located. He may be a master manipulator but he was still good. He didn't kill anyone and those that needed to be removed were treated with respect, and lived the spoiled life here at Phoenix Manor, this was no Azkaban.

Approaching the last kennel he heard a deep growling coming from within. " Ah, hello dear boy, and how are we today?" The grim just growled and bared it's long canines. " This is your lucky day Sirius. I have decided I need you to get to Harry." The grim started to viciously snarl and bark. " Yes, yes. I know you don't agree with me, but I only have Harry' best interest at heart. See , I originally planned for young Ronald Weasley to bond with Harry but I am seriously rethinking that. You see I have grown awfully,,, attached to sweet Harry. The thought of Ronald getting to enjoy all that stunning flesh doesn't sit right with me. Now, I'm sure I could convince him to share Harry, but I have never been that good at sharing. No, I think Harry will be trained to obey my hand alone.

The grim snapped and started biting at the fence leave blood behind from where he ripped his gums. Dumbledore took a few steps back.

" I see you are stronger then what I assumed. No matter I'm still stronger then you." Pointing his wand at the dog he muttered an Animagus reversal spell, then before Sirius could get his bearings he cast an imperio.

Feeling like someone dumped a bucket of ice water down his back, Dumbledore turned to find the stag glaring at him from over the fence. No, it was just a coincidence, there was no way James remained in that stag.

-a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a- -a

Harry was surprised to find himself alone upon waking. His first reaction was to panic but then the events from earlier came crashing back to him. With a groan he covered his face with a pillow.

" Hiding wont solve anything." came a chuckle from the door.

Looking up Harry saw his dad standing at the door. " D-D-ad." Harry was so glad it was his dad and not one of his mates. Just thinking the word mate made him queasy.

Carlisle gave his son an affectionate smile and entered the room, closing the door behind him. Walking to the bed he took a seat and scooted it close to Harry.

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