chapter 28

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Harry was helped to the couch by his fretting mates. He was trying to not drop a baby Fawkes who was nesting in his shirt. Harry scanned the room till his eyes landed on Fred and George.

" S-sorry" Harry cried. Ron may have become an ass, but at one time Ron was his best friend; he was also Fred and George's brother.

" Don't Harry, it wasn't your fault." said Fred sitting next to Harry. Fred felt horrible over his brothers death but to be honest, he felt like he lost Ron a long time ago.

" There was no good left in him Harry." said Edward. I read his thoughts and they weren't pretty.

Harry lowered his head. What did he do to make his best friend turn on him so.

" Harry, I know your blaming yourself so just stop." demanded George. " Ron was always envious of you. Then he started desiring you and your money. Merlin Harry, he would have treated you horrible."

" His thoughts regarding what he wanted to do to you Harry was very,,,, disturbing. I'm glad he's dead, he is one less person to worry about." stated Edward.

Harry looked to Severus who's arm was being seen to by Carlisle. " W-wh-what... n-n-now?" he asked. He wasn't sure what was going to happen with the bond now that Ron was dead and Dumbledore in custody.

" I honestly don't know Harry. None of us were responsible for Ron's death, so you won't be going to Azkaban. Dumbledore is the next person your bond

transfers to but now, I just don't know."

" Pup!" yelled Sirius, rushing to Harry's side.

Harry looked into Sirius' eyes. He couldn't believe that his godfather was here, that he was alive. " M,,, s-sorry." Harry tried to stop the tears from falling, but he failed. He was the reason his godfather had been kissed.

" No pup, it wasn't your fault. I was never kissed." Sirius could here several people gasp. " It was Dumbledore! He forced me into Padfoot and then kept me in the kennels at his home.

" Damn, if this wasn't a serious situation I could run with that." grumbled Severus.

" W-Why?" Harry wanted to know why Dumbledore took Sirius and then lied.

Sirius rubbed the back of his neck. He really didn't want to tell Harry what he witnessed. " Harry, let's just say I caught him doing something disgusting and very, very wrong."

Harry scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion. " What?" he asked.

" Harry" sighed Sirius. " I caught Dumbledore disillusioned, watching you take a shower." What Sirius didn't tell him was that Dumbledore was masturbating while watching Harry bathe. Dumbledore didn't realize that him being Lord Black could see through disillusionment charms while at Grimmauld Place.

Harry started shaking his head no, then leaned forward, and threw up. He couldn't believe that a man he thought of as a grandfather was spying on him while he was naked. He felt so dirty.

" It's ok Harry, Dumbledore can't hurt you now." soothed Severus. He wanted to march down to the ministry, and kill the disgusting pervert. How dare he look at his son while he was having a private moment.

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