chapter 38

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Harry was currently hiding in Jasper's room. He didn't want to admit it, but he was hiding from his mates. It was another rare sunny day in Forks Washington so all his family were home. Harry had found a wonderful sunny spot on Jasper's floor and was laying on his stomach, face into the sun, and his pretty wings spread out around him. Jasper was laying on his bed, that he didn't use for sleeping, reading a book about goblin wars that he nicked from Draco.

Harry had been avoiding his mates since the fight yesterday. Harry knew they were sorry, and by the looks on their faces after coming backing in the house with his father, they had been punished good. Harry knew that it was an accident, and that he shouldn't have been trying to break up a fight between his large mates, but dammit, he was tired of all the fighting. It felt like all he has ever dealt with since he was eleven was violence, and bloodshed. He was done! He just wanted a nice relaxing life with his mates and family. Was he asking for to much?

Harry turned his head to his brother when he felt him try to push happy emotions into him. With a sigh, he got up retracting his wings, and joined his brother on the bed. Snuggling up to Jasper, he laid his head on his cold chest. He started making that purring sound again as Jasper started running his fingers through his hair.

" It's going to be all right, little one." Jasper soothed. " After yesterday, I don't think they will ever fight each other again."

" I know." Harry said softly. " They broke my pretty wing."

" I know they did, but it was an accident." Jasper put the book down, turned onto his side, and scooted down until he was face to face with Harry.

" Do you want to talk about what happened with Draco yesterday in the bathroom." Jasper chuckled at Harry's bright red face.

Harry dropped his gaze until he was studying the design on Jasper's shirt. Taking a finger, he started tracing the design. " I was scared at first. Everything was happening so fast; to fast."

" Did you want him to stop?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. " Dunno, maybe at first. I thought he would have pulled away like Edward and Jacob did."

Jasper put a finger under Harry's chin, lifting until they were making eye contact. " Were you scared if you asked him to stop that he wouldn't?"

Harry eyes got wide. " No,,, no of course not. I know Draco would stop if I asked him to. I trust Draco. It just that..." Harry dropped his eyes again.

" It's just what?" Jasper could feel the uncertainty, fear and self loathing coming off his brother.

" It's just that,,, I want to be normal." Harry said in a broken, teary voice.

Jasper chuckled. " Harry, in case you haven't noticed, no one is normal in this house."

Harry laughed " ya, I noticed." Harry was quiet for a few minutes. " Jasper, I'm almost 19 years old and I'm scared to go outside, scared to be in a room alone, scared of loud noises and people coming up behind me. Jasper, I'm scared to have sex with my mates. What if they get tired of waiting and leave me."

" Harry, don't think that for one more second, your mates will never leave you; ever. After everything you have been through, your allowed to be scared of all those things, and more. Harry, is that why you didn't stop Draco? Where you afraid if you did, that he would leave?"

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