chapter 44

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Harry was once again on his knees and face first in the toilet. This time he wasn't alone though, he had three mates fussing over him. Honestly, he would much rather be puking on his own, without an audience.

" When is Severus going to be done brewing the anti-nausea potion?" asked a nervous Edward. He hated seeing his precious mate sick and suffering. It made him feel guilty knowing that Harry had been getting sick for almost a month and they never knew.

" Like the last five times I told you, it should be done by tonight." answered a flustered Draco. He too hated seeing Harry suffering. Every time Harry tried to eat something it came right back up, sometimes all it took was smelling the food. They had only known about the pregnancy for a week and they were all ready a nervous wreck.

" Please don't fight." moaned Harry. He felt horrible, along with the vomiting he had a splitting headache. The last thing he needed was to have two of his mates bickering.

Both Edward and Draco glared at each other then apologized to their tiny mate. With Jacob's help, Harry shakily got to his feet and went to the sink. He groaned when he saw the sickly image of himself staring back in the mirror. " I'm a bloody nightmare." whispered Harry. Quickly he rinsed his mouth and washed his face.

" Draco, can you please ask Athair for a pain potion? My head is killing me." pleaded Harry. His head hurt so bad he had to keep his eyes shielded from the light.

" Not a problem, love." Draco kissed Harry on the head then took off to find his godfather.

" Would you like me to carry you to your sunroom?" offered a hovering Jacob.

Harry tried to shake his head no but grimaced when pain shot through his skull. " No, it's to bright. Can you just help me to the couch and maybe turn out the lights?"

Jacob gently scooped his imprint up and carried him out of the bathroom. Harry must really be hurting if he didn't want to go to his sunroom. Jacob wasn't surprised to see that the couch was ready for Harry with a pillow and blanket. Vampire hearing really came in handy sometimes.

Jacob went to lower Harry to the couch but Harry clung to him. " Don't leave me, need you." mumbled Harry.

Jacob chuckled. " I wasn't planning on leaving you, little one." Jacob picked up the pillow and sat down, placing the pillow and Harry's head in his lap. Jacob started to gently rub his fingers through Harry's sweaty hair, massaging his scalp.

" Hmmm, that feels good." Harry closed his eyes and relaxed into Jacob's hands.

He must have dozed off because he was startled awake a little while later by Edward gently shaking him on the shoulder.

" I'm sorry to wake you, but you were moaning and whimpering in your sleep. I have the pain potion you asked for. Draco is with your Athair helping him get your anti-nausea potion finished." Edward said softly. He knew his mate was in a lot of pain so he didn't want to talk loud.

Harry smiled at his vampire mate and accepted the pain potion. Holding his breath, he quickly downed it. Harry sighed as the pain went away almost immediately. " My athair is amazing." sighed Harry.

" You better remember that, too." said Severus sweeping into the room. Severus knelt down to check on his son." " How are you feeling?"

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