chapter 45

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Harry was pacing back and forth in front of the front door. He was now almost four months pregnant and he was sporting a noticeable baby bump. Since men's bodies were different from women's, they showed earlier. He was rubbing his belly and his wings were flaring out behind him, twitching in agitation.

"Love, what is wrong?" asked Edward. Harry had been pacing for almost two hours and had yet to say a word. Harry's moods have been going from one extreme to the other lately. They were all a bit reluctant to get on his bad side. Jake was the last one to piss off Harry when he blamed Harry's outburst on pregnancy hormones. Jake walked around for a week with brown, droopy puppy dog ears that hung to his chin. James tried to rid Jacob of the ears but he couldn't break through Harry's curse. Severus probably could have, but refused saying it was a vast improvement, and fitting.

"I,,,I need baby stuff. I need to shop before I get too big and the muggles notice." said a distressed Harry. Harry was still afraid to leave the house. He had tried on a few occasions but ended up passing out from hyperventilating. He was tired of being a scaredy cat, he just wanted his life back.

"Can't you use a glamour?" asked Edward. Edward gulped when Harry turned on him with fire in his eyes. He prayed that he too didn't end up with puppy dog ears.

"WHAT!" screamed a pissed off Harry. "You want me to expose my baby to unnecessary high levels of magic? Not to mention that I barely have enough magic left to sustain myself and the baby, there is no way I could hold a glamour." Performing magic on your body while pregnant was risky to the fetus and it's development. The pregnancy was also causing a great drain on Harry's magical core. Male pregnancies took a lot of magic to stabilize, which is why most wizards couldn't carry.

Edward covered his head and backed away from his irate mate. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Why the hell are you covering your head?" growled Harry.

"Shit" mumbled Edward. "I,,, I uhm, I didn't want puppy ears." said Edward in a trembling voice. Edward cursed when he backed himself into a corner.

"Why would I give you dog ears?" asked Harry in a sugary sweet voice.

Edward tried not to cower at the tiny little angel, but he was scary as hell when he was mad. "When,,, when Jacob blamed your hormones on your anger, you cursed him."

Harry stopped in front of his vampire mate, wings spread majestically out behind him. "Yes, I recall the incident." Harry giggled madly. "Do you think my hormones are causing me to act like a lunatic?" Harry smiled at his mate and tilted his head to the side.

Edward stood there, afraid to answer. Of course he thought Harry's hormones were causing him to act like a lunatic, but if he admitted it, he was going to be in for it.

Not answering was the wrong thing for Edward to do. Harry mouth dropped open and he took a step back. "You do think that, don't you? Did you ever think that maybe it's my insensitive, idiotic mates that's driving me crazy, and not my hormones?" screamed Harry.

Edward refused to look Harry in the eyes. Picking a point behind Harry's shoulder, Edward muttered. "I don't think your crazy. I think your pregnant, your hormones are all over the place, and your feeling a bit stressed."Edward chanced to look at Harry and whimpered when he saw the storm brewing in Harry's emerald eyes.

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