chapter 19

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With the help of Esme Harry ate about half a bowl of chicken broth, and a small buttered roll. As good as it was his stomach just couldn't handle more then that. He stretched as best as he could and snuggled into the warm thick blanket. It was just him and Jasper in the room now. He wanted to see everyone else, but was glad they all weren't bombarding him at once. Looking around his room he was delighted to see how open it was. After spending so much time locked up he never wanted to be trapped inside four walls again. He stared longly out the floor to ceiling glass wall. It was so beautiful out and everything was an amazing vibrant green color. The trees were thick and lush and he could just make out what looked like a stream cutting through them.

" As soon as you get stronger I will take you outside to explore." Jasper had noticed the look of longing Harry gave the forest. Harry always did like to explore the wilderness.

Turning to Jasper, Harry gave him a small smile. As much as he would love to go outside, he was terrified to leave the safety of the house. No, he was fine right here.

Picking up on Harry's apprehension, Jasper carefully lowered himself to sit on the edge of Harry's bed. He didn't want to push Harry by getting to close but he wanted Harry to know that it was ok for someone to get close to him without touching. Harry was going to need a lot of help and in order to do that they were going to have to start building up his trust.

Harry tensed when Jasper sat next to him on the bed. Deep down he knew his brother would never hurt him but he couldn't control the fear that suddenly took over.

" Breath Harry, it's ok I won't touch you." Jasper turned to look out the window. " Forks isn't the sunniest place and it rains most everyday but I think you will enjoy living here. I know you will love exploring the woods, and one of us will always be with you. You will be safe."

Remembering the ginormous wolf that attacked him, Harry started shaking. With a trembling hand he reached up and rubbed his right shoulder. He could still feel the wolf sinking his massive canines into it. Looking to Jasper, he shook his head no.

Jasper didn't need Edwards gift to know what Harry was thinking. He knew Harry was remembering the wolf attack.

" I promise the wolves won't hurt you again Harry. They aren't normal wolves, but shape-shifters from the local tribe. The one that attacked you, mistook you for a vampire because you smelled like Carlisle."

Harry frowned in confusion. Why would he smell like Carlisle, and why did the wolf want to kill his dad?

" Carlisle had retrieved you from Hogwarts and carried you through the woods home; Carlisle scent was on your clothing. When you woke earlier you panicked and apparated away. You didn't have enough magic to go far so you ended up appariting in the woods, in the middle of their territory. See, we have a treaty with them and we are not allowed to cross the boarder onto their land. Paul, the shifter that attacked you has a strong dislike for us and a short temper. If he knew you were human, he wouldn't have attacked you."

Harry was doubtful, he didn't have the best track record with wolves. He could happily go the rest of his life without ever laying eyes on one.

Feeling the fear roll off Harry, Jasper sent calming waves back. " I promise Harry, they won't touch you. You are safe from them." Jasper left out that Harry was the imprint to one of the wolves and their law forbade anyone from the pack harming him.

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