chapter 29

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Two weeks had passed since the incident with Dumbledore, and so far everything had been quiet. Harry took the news of Dumbledore escape pretty bad and wasn't even complaining that he had to have someone with him 24 hours a day. Harry was still having horrible nightmares nightly but now instead of them starring Voldemort and his followers, they also starred Dumbledore.

Harry was never seen without Fawkes in his hands, the two had become inseparable. The Phoenix was growing fast and probably would be able to fly again in a few days. Fawkes was able to help Harry through his nightmares, and calm him during his frequent panic attacks. Severus had a feeling that Fawkes was going to be Harry's familiar.

Harry's speech was improving with each dose of the potion Severus had brewed him. Harry, along with his family dreaded each dose because it caused Harry great pain. The pain was so bad that Harry would cry before each dose, breaking the hearts of his family and friends. Harry tried to be brave and not show how much it hurt, but his body was incredibly exhausted and in pain all the time. He just couldn't summon up the energy to be strong enough to hide the pain and fear.

Harry still had a hard time with letting people touch him, but he was making small improvements. He would now allow his family and mates to kiss him on the forehead, and even would allow his mates or Jasper to lay in bed with him, above the covers! He would lay his head on their shoulder but other then them holding hands in bed, he was uncomfortable with any other form of contact. When Harry slept with one of his mates his dreams weren't as bad.

Even though Harry was scared of touch, he craved it. He craved touch like a man in desert craved water. He needed the reassurance that they were really there, and that they weren't leaving him. He was always needing to be in contact of some form with his mates or family. He was always holding a hand or leaning on a shoulder. He was getting to the point where he would suffer a small panic attack if he wasn't touching someone.

Harry' leg was still in a cast but they were talking about removing it later that day. His leg still caused him a great deal of pain, but mostly only when he walked or sat in one position to long. Draco, with help from Paul had handmade Harry a beautiful cane, without using magic. They were going to teach Harry to use it after the cast was removed.

Severus had yet to tell Harry about being his biological father. He had decided to wait for actual proof before revealing it to him. To be honest, Severus was terrified that Harry would reject the idea of him being his father. Severus decided to use the muggle method of DNA testing as he could get the results faster then what he could brew a heritage potion. Carlisle was expecting the results later that day.

Harry's mates were also learning to work together, and even starting to care for each other. They weren't attracted to each other sexually, they only saw Harry as their mate. They were starting to see each other as best friends, even brothers. Severus figured it was their shared bond with Harry that was helping them overcome their differences, and their past in Edward and Jacobs' case.

The wolves and the Cullen's were learning to tolerate each other, some even becoming friends. Seth was always found at the Cullen's house, he was always hanging with Paul, Emmett, and the twins. Sam in the beginning was leery of Remus, especially with Remus being a true alpha werewolf. Over the last few days they had come to an understanding and were now planning to run together on the next full moon. Moony was excited to be able to run with an actual pack of wolves for the first time.

Emily would also come to the Cullen's and help Esme with the cooking. With so many of the pack hanging out there Esme appreciated the extra hand. Severus had brewed some salves for Emily to help reduce the scars that Sam accidentally gave her when he was first learning to control his wolf.

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