chapter 16

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To that say Jacob was happy would be an understatement. Even three hours after finding his imprint he was still floating on cloud nine. Even sitting here in a house full of vampires wearing Emmett's clothes couldn't bring him down off that cloud.

To say that he was happy would be a huge understatement. He had an imprint and a beautiful imprint at that. Even though he was covered in blood and dying the only time that he saw him, he could still tell that he was beautiful. He was so happy that even three hours later he was still floating on cloud nine, despite being in a house full of vampires and wearing Emmett's clothes. Now he understood why Sam and the other guys were so obsessed with their imprints, they were their reason for breathing.

Despite the fact that he still had a silly grin on his face, one that he was sure would totally freak Seth out, he was concerned that the bond was messing with his head. After Alice shooed him out of the destroyed living room with a set of Emmett's clothes and orders to take a shower, he returned to find that the room was now in perfect condition and everything that was broke was now fixed...even the wall. He didn't recall any of the other guys saying that imprinting caused mental problems or hallucinations, but there was definitely something freaky going on here.

For the past hour he had been sitting here trying to make sense of everything that had happened so far, and the conclusion that he came to...he had a million questions that he needed answering. Like, why was his imprint with the Cullens and why the hell were they calling him brother and son? Where did Harry come from? He had met all of the Cullens multiple times and he had never seen a beautiful green eyed raven with them. Bella had also never mentioned him and she told him almost everything. What had happened to his imprint before Paul attacked him? It was obvious that there was something more wrong with him then just a wolf attack. How the hell did his imprint heal so fast? All that scary man did was wave a stick, mumble some crazy words and Harry was healed. And really, what the hell was up with that man? He was one terrifying son of a bitch!

His biggest question though, the one that had been weighing the heaviest on his mind, why the hell did Mr-Tall-Dark-And Scary say that his imprint had three mate's? There was no way that Harry could have three mates, he never heard of such a crazy thing? Harry was his imprint...his mate...and his alone. No fucking way was he sharing his imprint with Edward, he had already played that fucked up game with him and Bella. Harry was his and he wasn't sharing.


Severus stood at the foot of Harry's bed checking his vitals. Everything was looking good, his pulse, heart rate and temperature were all normal, he was resting peacefully, his leg was set in a dark blue cast, and his IV was steadily dripping fluids and antibiotics into his system. Now it was just a waiting game to see how he was mentally when he woke.

Conjuring a plush leather chair, he pulled it to Harry's beside and laid his head on the bed. He was so damn tired. He had foolishly hoped that things would settle down now that the war was over, but since when did anything go the way he hoped? It was amazing how one small boy could cause so much chaos and trouble. At least he got Harry, Draco and himself away from Dumbledore manipulations, his obsession with Harry had never been right in his opinion.

It had taken some convincing, and him slipping a dreamless sleep potion into Draco's tea, but he finally got him to lay down for a while and out of his hair. If he was lucky...and boy did hope he was lucky, Draco would sleep for at least twelve hours. That boy was a ticking time bomb set to go off the second it was confirmed that Harry had two other mates. Right now is was just speculation, and Edward was still trying to deny it, but he was positive that all three of those boys were Harry's mates.

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