chapter 11

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"Emmett honestly!" Rosalie cried in exasperation. "Edward almost killed Carlisle, that's nothing to joke about. Hell, he could have killed us all."

"Come on, Rose," Emmett playfully whined, "Eddy boy is back to boring old self now." Chuckling, he ruffled Edward's hair. "See, babe, no more crazed little Eddy."

Edward stumbled blindly to the couch and sat down. Placing his head in his hands he bowed his head in shame. "Carlisle, I don't understand, what happened? Why would I attack you? You are my father and I love you. What made me go feral?" He was ashamed and disgusted with his actions. He couldn't believe that he fought his family and almost tore his father's head off. He loved Carlisle and he couldn't think of any reason that would cause him to turn on him.

"This is all Harry's fault." Rosalie snapped in disgust. Storming up to Carlisle she shouted. "If he wouldn't have dared to come back none of this would have happened! It's either him or me, Carlisle!"

Edward lunged to his feet and advanced on Carlisle. From the corner of his eyes he could see everyone tense and prepare to defend their coven leader. "Harry! Harry is here? He's here in the house now?" Snarling when his father nodded his head, he turned and headed for what was left of the front door. If he would have known that Harry was the reason for the family emergency, then he would have told Jasper to fuck off over the phone. He wanted nothing to do with his little brother, not after the way he treated them. There was no way he was going to let him ruin the happiness that he had found with Bella.

"Edward stop!" Carlisle demanded loudly.

"No, Carlisle, I'm going to Bella's." Edward snapped, storming out the destroyed front door. "Call me when he leaves, but until then, I'm not coming home."

"Edward, Harry's in a real bad way." Jasper whispered brokenly knowing that his brother would hear him. "He's hurt real bad." As much as Harry hurt him too, he couldn't bring himself to hate him. He would have said those words to Edward louder, but he needed a break from Rosalie's bitching. His head was still killing him from Edward's little breakdown.

Stopping in his tracks, Edward dropped his chin to his chest and sighed. Turning back to his family, the look on his father's face was enough to tell him that it was serious. He was surprised to find that when he went to read Carlisle's mind that his gift was still not working. He hoped that it was just a side affect from going feral, though he was going to enjoy the silence while he could.

"Rosalie, could you please go get Esme and Alice for me? We have a lot to talk about." Carlisle asked, ignoring the daggers his daughter was shooting at him. Talk about giving someone the stink eye.

"I'll get them," Severus offered. "Draco will have the room vampire proof, we didn't want to taking a risk when we heard that there was a feral vampire." With that, he turned and swept gracefully up the stairs.

"What's wrong with Harry?" Edward asked grudgingly. The last thing he wanted to do was open his heart back up to the boy that destroyed his, but he had to know what was wrong with his baby brother. "Will he be alright?"

"No," Carlisle said with a sad shake of his head. "Hopefully with time he will be, but it could take years...if ever. Please, everyone, just let me explain everything. Harry needs us more now than ever."

Carlisle was relieved to see that his family followed him into the kitchen and took a seat at the long wooden table...except for Edward, he was too worried to sit. A few short seconds later Esme, Alice and Severus joined them in the kitchen. Obviously they could know longer sit in the living room since it had been destroyed.

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