chapter 12

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Draco sat at Harry's bedside gently holding his hand. The sleep spell had worn off a few minutes ago so he was trying to be quiet and not wake him. Not only was it important that Harry sleep and recharge his core, but it was also the only time the he could hold and touch him. It was a little confusing, but he craved Harry's touch.

He just knew that Harry had to be his mate. Why else we he feel that way? There was something in him that screamed "MINE!" every time he was near him, but there was also something blocking the bond. It was driving him mad!

Normally an elf would first dream about his or her mate shortly after they came into their inheritance, this is known as a mate-dream. In the dream they wouldn't get a full picture of their mate, just small things like gender, hair and eye color. After a while they would be able to tap into their mate's dreams. They wouldn't be able to interact with them, but their mate would feel a sense of comfort and safety. The elf couldn't see what their mate was dreaming about, but he could feel their emotions and manipulate them to a degree. If they were sad he could make them feel happy, lonely he could offer a feeling of companionship, scared he could make his mate feel safe and protected, and angry he could give them a feeling of happiness.

The last step in an elf finding their mate is aura vision. The first time an elf sees their mate after the first two steps are completed, their aura would call to them. An elf would instantly be able to recognize their mate from their aura.

Mates to an elf are everything. Elves are very protective and possessive of their mates and dominants have been known to kill those they feel are a threat to them. Unsurprisingly, he was a dominant elf.

Elves stop aging around the age of twenty one and can live for over a thousand years. In that time they are only given one true mate. One chance at unconditional love and happiness, and as such they will do everything within their power to make sure that nothing or no one can ever take their mate from them.

Draco was so excited after his inheritance, he couldn't wait to find his mate. He went to sleep every night praying to Merlin that that would be the night he would get his mate-dream. Finally, a week after his inheritance he got his dream, but there was a problem. The dream was like trying to see through a horrible blizzard, everything was fuzzy and distorted. There was no way he could make out any details, not even hair color. He had never heard of another elf experiencing such a dream, even elves who mates had already passed on. If your mate was already dead you just never received a mate-dream. That was every elves worst nightmare!

Draco read every book on elves he could get his hands on and talked to portraits of deceased family members who were also elves, but no one could help him. He even wrote to the High Council for Light Elves, but they too couldn't offer any help or advise.

For weeks he had prayed for another visual mate-dream, but sadly one never came. He was able to tap into his mate's dreams emotionally, but all he ever felt was fear, pain and loneliness. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't manipulate his emotions for the better. It had torn him apart to not be able to help his precious mate!

On September first, he had arrived at platform 9 3/4's three hours early just so he could look at everyone as they came through the barrier. Technically he didn't need to ride the train as he had been living with his godfather Severus Snape at Hogwarts since his father had been killed, but he wanted to watch as everyone came through in hopes of finding his mate. He just knew that his mate had to be a student. Sadly, not a single aura called to him. To say that he had been depressed was an understatement.

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