chapter 18

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Severus, Carlisle, Esme and Jasper were standing in the back of Harry's room waiting for him to wake. They were afraid that if they crowded his bed that he would panic when he woke. It was very important that Harry remained as calm as possible.

"Why didn't we bring Edward? He could read Harry's mind." Esme whispered. "We would know exactly what he was thinking."

"I taught Harry how to block his mind a few years ago. It wasn't easy, and we almost killed each other, but he finally accomplished it." Severus whispered back. They were whispering because they didn't want to startle Harry, they wanted him to slowly wake on his own.

"I also don't think it's safe for Edward to be around Harry much until he accepts the bond. There is no telling what he will do to Harry if he goes feral again." Severus added.

"He's feeling warm and comfortable." Jasper said with a smile. He was happy that Severus asked him to help Harry, he missed him so much and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for him. Even though he was never drawn to Harry's blood, he still had a hard time coping when the small boy first came to live with them. Harry's emotions had been all over the place and incredibly intense. There were times that he would have to stay away from the house for days at a time just to get a break.

"Sadness, he now feels incredibly sad," Jasper said, having to take a step back. Harry's emotions were intense and he needed to get some distance before they overwhelmed him. He started sending him waves of love in hopes to lessen the deep sadness that he was feeling.

Severus slowly approached the side of the bed as Harry went to turn over. "Easy there Harry, try not to move," he said soothingly. He didn't want Potter to move, but he also didn't want to reach out and touch him and risk sending him into a panic attack.

Jasper tensed when his brother started whimpering. "Pain, fear, disappointment, abandonment...there's so much and it's so intense." Groaning, he fell to his knee and slapped his hands over his head. He just couldn't handle the emotions rolling off of Harry.

"Jasper, if you need to leave its alright," Carlisle said, bending down to check on his older son and offer him a hand up.

"I just need a minute," Jasper groaned. "It's a lot to process at once. I'll be ok, Harry needs me." Concentrating, he started sending waves of calm and love to his little brother. He could feel it working, but not as much as he would have liked.

Whimpering, Harry's eyes slowly opened.


Harry slowly opened his eyes and looked around. It was hard to make out any details without his glasses, but this most definitely wasn't his cell. Moaning, he squinted and rapidly blinked his eyes, everything was too bright.

Seeing Harry squint, Severus quickly dimmed the lights. "Harry I need you stay calm, ok? It's Professor Snape and you are safe. Please take a deep breath for me and let it out slowly."

Harry could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his blood rushing in his ears. He tried to bring his knees up to his chest to make himself as small as possible, but his left leg wouldn't bend.

"Severus, his heart is racing." Carlisle warned softy, stepping up to the side of the bed. He didn't need any special machines to monitor his heart, he could easily hear it thanks to vampirism. "Harry, it's me daddy. You are safe at home with me and your family and I need you to calm down. You are going to cause yourself to hyperventilate if you don't."

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