chapter 26

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After Harry took a steaming 45 minute bath Carlisle and Severus helped him back to the couch. Harry had enough with laying around in bed. He was currently watching 'The Avengers', with Draco sitting at his feet. Harry was getting more entertainment out of watching Draco watch the movie, then he was actually watching the movie. Draco being raised a pureblood with parents against anything muggle had never seen a tv before, let alone a movie.

Harry was dreading Edwards return. He knew Edward saw Greyback rape him, saw Greyback disfigure him. At least he now knew there was 1 mate that wouldn't want to touch him. How could anyone want to touch him after witnessing that? He knew Edward took off after the flashback, he didn't want to have to look at his ugly scarred face.

" Stop thinking like that, your ruining the movie." groused Draco.

" Wh-Wh-what." Harry was confused, how could Draco know what he was thinking.

" Harry I have known you since we were 11. You are sitting there thinking that Edward will never want to have anything to do with you. You think that Edward will think your disgusting and scarred. You think Edward took off because he doesn't want to look at you."

Harry bowed his head in shame, Draco was right. If only Draco knew what Edward saw, he too would want nothing to do with him.

" Really Potter, he loves you and that is why he left. He just saw the person he loves the most in the world go through a traumatic experience. I don't know what he saw but I know it had to be pretty bad. Edward is having a hard time controlling his vampire, and he has already went feral once. He needed to blow off some steam."

Draco reached out and took Harry's hand. " There is nothing you could do, or have done to you that would make us feel different about you. Harry, we know you didn't ask for what happened so please stop blaming yourself."

Draco stood up and brushed imaginary lint off his clothes. " Now, I don't know about you, but I'm going to figure out how Loki astral projected himself, because that is wicked awesome!"

Harry couldn't help but laugh at Draco. He knew Draco was serious, he would try to figure out astral projection.

Sitting up, Harry swung his legs over the couch. This was the first time he had been left alone. His dad had to go into the hospital, Esme Alice and Rosalie went food shopping, Edward was missing with Jasper and Jacob, Professor Snape apparated to Cross Wands Court for potion supplies, Remus was sleeping off the affects of the potion Dumbledore gave him, Draco was apparently working on astral projection and the twins were holed up with Emmett somewhere. That last one was something to be concerned about.

Frowning down at his left leg Harry rapped his knuckles on the hard plaster. Professor Snape said his leg would never work right. He didn't want to always have to rely on someone else to help him get around, or use a cane. How could he protect himself against Ron or Dumbledore if he couldn't walk?

Taking a deep breath he placed his hands on the couch at his sides and pushed himself up. A sharp pain shot through his leg as he put his weight on it. Harry bit his lip to keep from crying out; he didn't want Emmett to hear him. He wanted to try walking on his own, without an audience.

Harry stood there waiting out the pain, taking deep breaths. After a few minutes the pain subsided enough for him to take a tentative step. His leg felt like someone was jabbing a spike through it as it made contact with the floor. He managed 5 steps before he couldn't take it anymore and collapsed leaning against the French doors leading to the back yard.

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