Chapter 1

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"Not everything was meant to be yours."
Chapter One

Musical genius.

Popular with everyone and literally almost everything.


Did I not already say it?

Yeah; Min Yoongi, is a musical prodigy; a child of complete wonders and intelligence that charted the boards.

And I hated it.

Why? Someone like me, another musical brain-genius walking around; breathing the same air as him. To be compared to him on a daily basis, to be made fun of.

Oh yeah I hated it, I hated breathing the same air as him, in fact; I despised his entire being on this earth.

It's not like I wanted to, but you see, I used to be the face of KM-university. The face.

Then he came along.

Walking around like a duck, always had his nose in his notebook; but that wasn't the only thing.
Min Yoongi is cold, he's bitter and cruel to everyone around him.
The only exception was his group of friends that always seemed to linger around him like glue.

I remember one, his name was J-Hope but that was only his stage name—he was a musical genius as well— but he was only a rapper.
I disliked him too, he was too bright for someone as dark as me.
The only reason I could remember him so easily was because of his annoying laugh.

Yes, everything was annoying to me.

Though, there's only one thing this Min Yoongi had that no one else but I knew.

He wasn't just a prodigy for music and producing; nor was his perfect tongue twisting rapping.

He had a second face as well.

Min Yoongi, was a pianist.

That cold brain, was a pianist, someone who lives around elegance and prosperity.


No. Body. Knew.

Until today.

Time Skip

"Are you kidding me?"

"No way, our Prince Of Rap has a soft side?"

"Wow...that was so unexpected. I'll bet his piano must be suffering right now, I mean— how could he play? He' no expression at all."

I've been hearing it all day, the gossip I mean. So much so I wanted to rip my ears out.

Min Yoongi this, Min Yoongi that.

It was beyond enraging.

"Yah I heard—"


"Yah, do you want to die?" I stood up, glaring at the gossiping couple in front of me.

The girl looked at me weirdly, her eyebrow cocking up sassily.

"What do you care? You crumb."

Ah right.


My new nickname.

That was another thing I hated about him. Ever since he started gaining the eyes of the people in this university I was called the crumb that fell into the crevice of the sidewalk.

I was no longer relevant.

"Does it look like I care? You snob, go gossip somewhere else. I'm trying to study; if you want to talk, talk outside." I scoffed, crossing my arms.

Oh look, now her boyfriend was looking at me.

I rose my eyebrow in bemusement. That wasn't just any boyfriend either; he was apart of his group.

What was his name again...?

Kim...Tae...Taehyung? Was it?

"Can't you just leave us alone?" He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Did I just lose a brain cell?

Damn. I think I did.

"Says the player who can't reject a plastic doll." I sneered, rolling my eyes.

Grabbing the strap of my backpack I hauled the heavy bag over my shoulder and sighed.

"Sorry not sorry."

Ignoring the shrieking rat noises that called after me as I walked out of the library, I bit my tongue to avoid from laughing out loud.

Pathetic fakes.


Down the secluded hallways, I found myself going out towards the school's garden.
A place I called peace.
Where I could scream my lungs out, and cry until my eyes were dry.
Though, it seems I'm going there more often than I thought.

Pushing the wide glass door that walled my way towards the greenery outside, I breathed in the fresh air.
The scent of mixed flowers and grass strong in my nose.

It already made me feel better.

Skipping along farther into the garden, trees barricade the place; making it look like a cave, or, much more like an alleyway.

And just in the center, my usual bench would stand waiting for me.

I hummed lightly, making my way towards the center; only, to stop midway.

My feet, stuck in place; as the sight of something unbelievable catches my eyes.

I was hallucinating...right?


Slowly making my way around, I hid behind the tree's of the garden; inching closer until I was in ear's range.

Peeking my head from the tree, I stay silent, hoping he couldn't hear me.

That pale boy.

That cold heart.

That...bittersweet moment that suddenly caused everything I was thinking about to malfunction.

What was it exactly that caused me to do it?

I don't know.

But then and there, I couldn't help but stare at the boy.

The boy who sobbed into his knees, wiping furiously at his eyes.

That boy was him.

Min. Yoongi.

Bittersweet Melody Where stories live. Discover now