Chapter 3

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"Enemies don't become friends; they become lovers."
Chapter Three

I hate him.

No, I despise him.

I resent him.

But... I can't get him out of my head.

I tossed and turned in my bed, frustratingly running my hands through my hair.
Why must my enemy, my sworn rival, be a man like him? So cold, so bitterly ugly in a way that makes me want to hide and never come out.
Min Yoongi had that effect on me.

The inescapable reality that brought along my hell, my haven, and my home.
I was someone, but now I'm nothing.
I was a face, now I'm faceless.
I was known, and now I'm unknown.
I. Was. A. Pianist.
But now I'm not.

That luxury was stripped away from me, the ability to become a professional pianist.
The ability to show my worth to the outside community, where I could become someone to another.

My replacement, was Min Yoongi.

As time passed by, my mind worked like a factory, unable to shut down. Before I even knew it, the shrilling sound of my alarm clock blaring loudly in my ears forces me to get up.

Hauling the blanket off of my body I stepped across the blistering cold floors of my room; groggily making it to my bathroom.
Switching on the lights, I squint my eyes as the lights blind me momentarily.
Regaining my sight, I gasped at the complexion staring right back at me.

"Holy mother of cheese." I shriek, scaring myself.

That was me.

Groaning, I let my arms fall limp against the sides of my legs before leaning against the wall. Sliding down, I buried my head in the crevice of my arms and laid on my knees.

I don't want to go to school.

Just not today.

[Min Yoongi POV]

"Why do you hate her so much?" Seokjin pondered, his breakfast spoon hanging from his lip.

"I don't. She hates me." I swirled my cup of water around, staring at the ripples that washed over the center.

Her, Kim Y/N.

Before I even attended the university, this girl was everywhere. I've only heard about her from Seokjin since he was a senior at the school, but I had never really met her.

That was, until yesterday.

She had competed against me many times, but I never really openly paid attention to her.
I never looked her in the eyes, and touched her, nor did I ever talk to her.

Until yesterday.

"Yah, what are you smiling about? Do you have a crush on her already?"

I scowled, looking at Seokjin irritatingly.
"Shut up will you? I don't like her, she's just..." I trailed off.

What was she to me...?

"She's just...what?" Seokjin rose his eyebrow, excitement glittering in his eyes.

I don't know.

That's odd, I'd always be able to tell whether or not someone means something to me.
Yet why was it so hard, with her?

"Just something. Let's go, we'll be late for class." I slammed my glass down. Hauling my backpack over my shoulder I stood up and walked off; leaving him hanging.

"What the hell, you midget, wait for me!"



I was, absolutely drained.

Yet I stood in front of the school gates like a hobo. My overly large sweater like a fat comforter, coming down to my knees as my hair was tied in a messy bun.

I didn't even bother to put on lip gloss today.

"Is that Y/N?" Girls whisper around, looking at me slightly before gossiping again as they walked pass me.

Yes it's me.

Sighing, I squeeze the straps of my bag tightly; walking forward, I proceeded to make way towards class.

Approaching class 21-BA, chatter erupts loudly, so loud I could hear it from the ends of the hall.
Lacing my finger through the hook of the door, I pulled it open.

Everything had gone silent.

Stares, bore holes into my body.

But those stares weren't normal, they were judged.

"So our former queen finally decides to show her true colors." Kim Sohyun, smirked from the other side of the room.

Everyone looks at her.

"I always knew you were poor, I mean, how could someone like you get into such a school like this? You must've opened your legs to the vice chairman." She cackled, thus causing everyone else to giggle as well.

I averted my gaze, staring down at my feet.
This is what I hated.
These voices.

"She must be a slut, but look at her now." Someone whispered.

"Yah what if she just stole money...omo~ she must be a thief or something." Another said.

I squeezed my hands into a fist, a normal life doesn't exist for me.


"What do you think you're doing?" Everyone fell silent as the door from behind me slides open with a slam.

I turned around, and there he was.

His eyes ablaze, as his nose flared out of his own anger.

"Kim Y/N is not your toy, if you want to be treated well, then treat others well. You fucking pests."

My mouth falls agape, as everyone, including me becomes speechless.

Min Yoongi defended me.

He defended, a crumb.

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