Chapter 19

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"Melodies, couldn't heal her."

Chapter 19

Min Yoongi's POV

Two nights ago Kim Seonwoo had been sent into prison for a charge of attempted murder.

And two nights ago Kim Y/N had been sent to the ER. Eight countless hours of surgery, waiting to be told if everything would be okay.

At this point I struggled to sleep, I could only remember, the sight of her state. Her bloodied body, and her drenched clothing. The way her hair stuck to the sides of her skin. And, her soulless eyes as she stared into me.


Crying for help.

Now, I couldn't even visit her. I could only sit and wait. Wait to be told, if everything would be okay.

"Hyung...she'll be alright." Feeling a tug at my shoulder, I lifted my head weakly. His doe eyes met mine with worry, glossed in sadness.

"Jungkook...?" My voice came out hoarse. The youngest one pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly as he sniffled.

"Y/N won't die, right?" He whispered softly into my ear.

I wish I could believe my own words when I said it, as I shook my head and hugged the boy back.

"She won't."

Time Skip

"Young sir, are you sure you don't want to head home? You've been here for a week." My father's assistant knocks against the hospital door, waking me from my sleepless state.

A week.

She's been here for a week, and all I could do was sit and watch. Listen to that monitor, and stare at the IV that dripped fluids down the clear tube into her pierced arm.

I raise my head, waving him off.

"I'll leave later." I lied.

Reluctantly, he nods his head and steps out. The door shuts with a subtle thud.

I turn back around, eyeing her sleeping state.

It's odd...

She looked so peaceful at this moment, I just wished it were possible to see her like that when she woke...

Scooting my chair closer against the bed, my fingers intertwined with her limp ones. I leaned close, pressing my forehead against the back of her hand as tears begged to come out.

"Y/N...will you never open your eyes?" My voice came out raspy as I bite back the sob.

If only I had gotten there sooner.

If only I stayed by her side.

If only. 

She'd be in my arms by now, laughing. Smiling with me. Listening to my music, admiring my songs. She'd be alive if I had protected her.

Only now, the color had begun to fade.

Replaced by a canvas of white, and a shadow of pure black.

Kim Y/N, had been drained of her light.

And all I could do was watch her fade, because in the end I knew.

Time was no longer on her side.

Flashback (3rd person pov)

"Excuse me, you're...Min Yoongi, no?" The Doctor approached, his clipboard beside him as a fake smile plastered his face.

Min Yoongi arose from his seat, dark circles under his eyes as he stood abruptly; a string of hope in his heart as he wished to hear the good news he had awaited all night long for.

"Yes I'm Min Yoongi." He replied curtly, bowing.

The doctor, Mr. Han, extends his hand for Yoongi to shake, in which he took.

"You're...Miss Kim Y/N's...?" Mr. Han rose his eyebrow, questioning.

"I'm her boyfriend."

Nodding his head in realization, Mr. Han's smile faded into a sorrowful frown. He placed his hands on Yoongi's shoulder and gave it a subtle squeeze.

"Would you like to sit down? I think it's best we do." 

Then and there, Min Yoongi's heart froze in place, his stomach dropping along with his hopes as Mr. Han's words left his mouth. Unable to find himself, he could only nod his head, and follow behind the doctor.

An unreadable expression plastered his face, as his thoughts waned into a frenzy of remorse.

It couldn't be...right?

Or so, he hoped.

Sitting across from Mr. Han, he holds the plastic cup of water in his hands. Eyes lowered, staring into the wooden surface of the table.

"About...Miss. Y/N. I'm deeply sorry you had to watch this happen to her." Mr. Han soothed, giving his condolences as he continued.

"But I'm afraid to believe, or rather, tell you that she might never wake."

Yoongi's heart had sunk at that moment in time. He looked up, tears already cascading down his cheeks as he stared into Mr. Han's eyes with a begging look.

"You're lying, right?" His voice, shakes in disbelief.

Mr. Han shook his head, he reached for Yoongi's hand; giving it a small squeeze.

"Kim Y/N...she..." the doctor trailed off, swallowing thickly.

"I'm afraid...Miss. Y/ slowly slipping into a coma. My deepest condolences, Mr. Min, but Y/N is slowly falling into the hands of brain death."

"The cause, was PTSD."

To Be Continued...

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