Chapter 18

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"He saved me."

Chapter Eighteen

Tied to the chair my body is limp in its own misfortune. Unable to move, I could only stare with lifeless eyes as everything had become a blur.

Kim Seonwoo sat across, a knife in his hands, he twirls it in his own leisure.

"How does it feel? To swim in your own blood." He mocked, lifting my head with the sharp ends of a knife. The blade, slightly cuts into my skin; leaving a line of blood trailing down my neck.

I stay silent, unwilling.

After his words, after realizing that just above me was not a leak, but rather a purposeful cause created by this sickening man.
My mind, my voice, and my entire self had shut down entirely.

My hair, was soaked by the dripping blood that seeped into my clothes. That cascaded down the sides of my face, down my chin, and created a puddle above my feet.
The meaning behind his words.

It wasn't fake.

I really, really was drowning in my own blood.

"Tsk, you're not going to talk are you." He sighed, retracting his hand. My head looms low again, as my eyes daze into the floor.

"You're no fun Y/N. You can't even scream..I'm disappointed." Seonwoo groaned.

From the corner of my eyes, I see as his hands had reached forward, his fingers curl at the roots of my hair. I momentarily wince at the pain of my scalp being ripped apart as loose strands began to fall toward the ground. Seonwoo leaned in close, pulling me forward.

"Scream." He growled.

I purse my lips together, disobeying his orders. I would rather die than let him get what he wants.

His face contorts in disgust, mouth turning into a frown as his eyes become slits.

"I was going to be merciful." He rebuked. His fists knock into my jaw, forcing my head to the side as everything jerks to the right. An inaudible sound leaves my mouth as I groaned in pain.

Still, I stay silent.

Again, Seonwoo's fist collides with my face. My head is yanked back, as everything in my line of sight becomes blurry. Dotted in black as my consciousness slowly gave away.

"Fuck!" He lets out a cynical laugh, his knife digs into the fabric of my shirt.

The suffering torment that seethed through my body as the knife pierced my skin leaves my mouth opening wide as a scream leaves the depths of my gut.
Shrilling, burning, my stomach churns as the wound gets deeper and deeper.

Seonwoo pulls away, leaving the knife submerged into my body as he threw his head back in delight.

"You made me suffer. You were fake! You left me like this, you made them do this to me!" He points at his scarred face. I watched as tears left the corners of his eyes, as he dropped to his knees in front of me.

His lips trembling.

As he whispered "I loved you." Only then did everything click into place for me.

Kim Seonwoo had gained feelings because I had saved him that one time.

This was his revenge. His pain, that he had felt because I was the fool that left him hanging.

Coughing up blood, I lifted my head weakly. As my breaths had become raspy.

"Okay." I admitted.

Seonwoo raised his eyebrows, as his eyes met mine with questions.

"Okay? Why? You admit you're wrong?" He poured, unable to control himself.

I shut my eyes tight, as I hacked up more blood, It dribbles down the corner of my lip. The pain was beginning to feel unbearable.

Seonwoo hastily stood on his feet, he grasped at my shoulders and shook me violently as his tears drips down my cheeks.

"Y/N! Answer me!" 

I wish I could.

"Please, are you going to hurt me again?" He falls forward, hugging my body tightly.

At this point, everything collapsed as my heartbeat had hastened. My hands shake, as my lips quiver. Feeling cold, the light and everything in the room had darkened.


I deserved it.

The pain that etched across my body had started to feel like nothing now, everything falling numb.

I don't feel it.

The knife.

I don't feel how his hands squeeze my limbs, or how his tears flood my face.

I don't feel anything.

but I did hear it.

His voice.

From the corner of my eyes, his blobby figure earns my attention.

When Min Yoongi stood, his eyes were hooded. Blazing in his anger, in his remorse.

"I'll kill you, Kim Seonwoo." His snarl rips through my ears.

Only then, I felt relieved.

As everything, clouded black.

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