Chapter 13

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"I love you, my dearest melody."

Chapter Thirteen
[Time Skip]

Tossing and turning, I groan furiously unable to sleep. My mind was corrupted.


All I could think about was his hug, his warmth, and then it all revolved back around to his face that wrote worry all over it.

Kicking my blanket off of me, I sat upright, staring blankly at the wall across.
What is wrong with me, seriously?

Sliding off the bed, my clock reads 5:35 in the morning.

And I didn't sleep a wink.

I sigh heavily, my body droops as I walk towards the bathroom to clean myself.

If I looked like somebody sucked the life out of my body I could care less. The purplish bruises that covered my face made it unnoticeable anyway.


My face hadn't healed yet.

I switch the lights on, only to stare at my ugly complexion. My lip was busted, bruised black and purple with swelling. My jaw was purple as well; along with the long cut that ran down the side of my temple.
I gently prod at the wound, wincing.

It hurt.

But it didn't hurt as bad as the words that left Yeonwoo's mouth that day.

'Fail. Like the failure I am.'

Turning the knob to the faucet, I listen to the shrilling sound of the water as it poured down my sink. The cold, liquid against my fingertips. Pooling in the palm of my hands only to overflow afterwards.

I splash my face with the cold water, shivering at the touch.

As I brushed my hair, I roamed my room, fixing the covers to my bed before a subtle ding sounds from underneath my pillow.
Frowning, I reached over, almost falling, as I pulled the corners of my phone out from my pillowcase.

The screen, lit up brightly, subtly blinding me for a moment before the notification popped up. Sliding my finger over the screen, my phone unlocks with a slight click.

The message, read, hello. Kim. Y/N.

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My mind went blank as my phone slips from my hands, crashing onto the floor beside my feet

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My mind went blank as my phone slips from my hands, crashing onto the floor beside my feet. The sound of the screen of my phone shattering causing me to flinch.

Come for me?

This random number, who knew my name, who knew who I am, and knows where I am.

This wasn't a game anymore.

I really am the minuscule animal, being stalked by its prey.

Swallowing thickly, I slowly bent down to pick up my phone. Holding it close to my chest as I flipped it over again, swiping across my cracked screen to find the only number I knew.

My brother's number.

Kim Chanwoo.

With shaky fingers, I hovered over his number.

He was the last person I wished to never call, not after he left the family and I became the only child my mother and my father cherished.

But I lost them.

So he was my only option.

But before I could even merely touch the icon to call his name.

My doorbell, rings.



Frozen in place, I slowly stand from my spot. My legs barely making the subtlest of movement as I creaked my way towards the door. My hands squeezed the edges of my phone tightly, as fear roamed my nerves. The hair on my skin, practically standing as goosebumps cause me to shiver.

Turning the knob to my door, I pull it open, the dark hallways of my home; cold and most definitely eerie.

I feel as my throat swells dry, as my feet move on it's own towards the front door.



Until I stood a foot away. Cold sweat, began to drench my shirt as I stood rooted in place.

My body, trembled furiously.

I twist the lock to the front door open, my clammy hands curved the handle. As I pulled it open, the barely seeable sun that peeped from above the rooftops of my neighbors houses shine through the dark night. Illuminating the streets.

But no one was there.

About to close my door, my relief ends shortly as a red velvet box in which was wrapped neatly sits idly at my doorstep. Bending down, I slowly pulled at the ribbons that encloses the lid. Watching as it falls loosely against the box's sides.
Curving my fingers around the small corners of the box, I reluctantly lifted the lid open.

I was wrong.

Wrong about the box being velvet red.


That wasn't velvet.

It was the red, of my brothers decapitated head, in which his blood seeped through the whites of the box.

I heaved forward, tears escaping the corners of my eyes as an inaudible scream escaped my lips. The gruesome sight of his pain, becomes a sight I'll never be able to forget.
The way his eyes were wide open, fear and dread colored the pupils. His face half beaten to a pulp, barely leaving any sight of his normal skin.

My breath becomes erratic, as I fall to my knees unable to stand. My stomach, queasy.

Then my phone rings.
Vibrating in my hand.

The screen, reads the same number that texted me.

Accepting the call, I raised the phone to my ear.

Voice quivering, as the smallest "hello" escapes my lips.

The line was silent, before a gut wrenching sound pierces my ears.

An audio, of a scream.

And then a laugh, a vile laugh that seemed too real to be from audio. Like a clown, who became psychotic.

"Do you like my present? Kim Y/N."

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