Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

The hum of the cars engine as Yoongi's surprisingly personal chauffeur picked the both of us up becomes music to my ears as I sat in the heated seat of his car.

Yoongi was rich.

Maybe more than I thought he could be.

Beside me, he slept soundly, his hair swept gently over his eyebrows as his chest rose and fell in rhythm to his breathing. I couldn't help but stare, as the deep circles under his eyes become lighter through the long drive.
Yoongi was exhausted.

All because of me.

"Miss. Kim?" I looked to the front, hearing the drivers old voice. He stares at me through the rear view mirror, his eyes a crescents as a gentle smile makes way across his face.

"You are something else, really." The man said, chuckling to himself as his eyes focused back on the road.

I frown, unable to grasp the meaning of his words.
"What do you mean, sir?"

The driver glanced at me quickly before shaking his head.
"Please, call me Mr. Hong. And Miss. Kim, I mean, you are the first person to ever have our boy do something so rash as to staying up like this."

Immediately, I focused my attention back on Yoongi. Hearing those words come out so easily, it seemed it was true. This cold boy whom I used to resent. He wasn't cold at all...
Sniffling, I hold back my tears as a lump formed in my throat. The boy who saved me through his songs, who found me through the dark, he was beside me all along. I squeeze the fabric of my shirt tightly in my hands as I stared in longing for this man.
It's like, even though I was haunted by the sight of that day. He could make me forget, even for a moment.

"Y/N...? Are you crying?" My eyes go wide, as Yoongi's lids flutter open in fatigue. His hand automatically reached to grasp for mine, as those mocha galaxy orbs of his stare into me.

I looked away, frantically wiping my face as awkward laughs escape my lips.

"Nope, not at all!"

I was a terrible liar.

Yoongi sighed, his arms made its way to my waist, with ease; he pulls me close as his other hand unbuckles my seatbelt. My chest smacks his, as my mouth falls open, his face just a mere breath away. Like that, we're stuck, stuck in each other's gazes as our hearts beat in rhythm with each other's.

"I told you I'd protect you, didn't I? You don't have to be scared anymore." He whispered, pulling my head down into his shoulder. Like that, I found myself sitting with my hand entangled with his as my head rests against the comfort of his arm.

I wanted to stay like that forever then.

"I'm not scared." I tilt my head up, finding his calm complexion staring right back with adornment.

" make me feel safe." I admitted.

Yoongi's eyes widened in surprise, a lifting smile curves his lips, accentuating the happiness that etched his face ever so dearly. With his other hand, he entangled his fingers through my hair, hugging the back of my neck as he pulled me close.

Ignoring the fact that the driver knew what was going on, our lips touched like water on ice. Smoothly, Yoongi's slightly plump lips kissed through with the softness he held in his heart. Lips morphing, folding, coming together with ease.

When he pulled away, we were both breathless.

But the shimmer, that flooded his pupils, were undeniable.

Only to be confirmed, as he pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes with a full heart. Swollen in his infatuation.

"Date me, Kim Y/N. I..." He paused, almost afraid to say it. But I knew those words well. Cupping his face, I pressed my lips against his with assurance, the touch sending sparks flying down my nerves.

"You don't have to say it, because I love you too."

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