Chapter 2

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"When they say you're nothing. You're always something; no matter what it is."
Chapter Two

"Hey you, are you okay?" I approached him quietly, awkwardly moving away from the tree.

Great. I look like a stalker.

Min Yoongi lifted his head from his knees, his eyes boring holes into mine.

"What do you want?" He wiped his eyes, leaving red marks behind.

I rubbed the palms of my hands together nervously, this entire situation just screamed 'stupid'.

What was it to me, why should I even care?

He obviously doesn't seem to give two hoots about me.

"Right. It doesn't matter. I'll just leave." I spun on my heels, turning around. Silently cursing under my breath.

I'm so embarrassing.

It doesn't help my status either, I'm already trash in his eyes.


I paused in my step, I wasn't deaf was I?
I looked back.
Min Yoongi stood, shoving his hands into his pockets as his expression had gone back to nothing but bland coldness.
The same, plain, look he wore everyday.

"Don't tell anyone." He looked away nervously.


So I guess the king of ice has ego as well.

I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest smugly, leaning against the nearby tree that stood rooted into the soil, I faced the cold man.

"For a price." I tested.

He raised his eyebrow.

"And that is?"

"Give me my name back."

Taken aback, he's surprised at first; but it slowly turns into an odd smile.

He was up to something.

Maybe..I shouldn't have given him an ultimatum.

"How about this." He stepped forward leaning down to match my height.

"The annual music competition is coming up next week..." he looked up, pondering for a moment as a glint of curiosity gleams in his eyes.

"Beat me, and I'll give you the title." He stood straight again, looking triumphant.

I sneered, it doesn't end there does it.
There's always a but with something so..highly competitive as that.

As if he knew what I was thinking, he recoiled on his heels and turned around.

"But if I win, you, Kim Y/N. You have to be my servant for the rest of the year."


I scoffed, throwing my backpack onto the floor, stomping my way around; I stood on my tippy toes to face him.

"Look here, Min Yoongay, I, will not become your slave." I spat, my eyebrows creased together. Any more and I'd have permanent wrinkles.

How unnecessary.

Yoongi chuckled, his fingers traced my jawline as I was stuck in my spot. Baffled, I was completely unable to process what was happening.
His fingers pinched my cheeks together, forcing my head to lift up more.
As if everything stopped in time, I was locked in his gaze, a gaze that seemed so intimidating.
It was scary.

"Kim Y/N." Yoongi licked his lips, leaning down, he was a mere breath away from my ear.

"A peasant, needs to act like one." He whispered.


I was wrong about him, in fact, I was wrong for even giving him sympathy.

I pushed him away from me, my nose flaring as anger rose in my blood.

Fire and oil, will never go together.

"I decline the bet, keep your name Min Yoongi, because I will ruin you." I snarl, walking away, my shoulder collided with his as I stooped low to pick up my backpack.

"I swear on my fucking life, I will make sure you eat hell." I swore, turning around.

And it wasn't the fact that he called me a peasant that made me so angry.

It was his face.

His calm, face. That had the audacity to call me a peasant; and leave nothing but coldness behind it.

Min Yoongi was the King in the game; and I was his pawn.

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