Chapter 9

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"Kiss it better."
Chapter Nine

His music.

It played like a long lull in my ear through the headphones.
It calmed my tears, and my heart.

My breathing had become steady as I closed my eyes to listen to the silent song that mumbled sweetness into my ears, as the keys of the piano played smoothly like a scarf floating in the midst of the ocean's water.

Despite Yoongi sitting there with me, I felt nothing.

No embarrassment.

Nothing at all.

Slowly, as the song came to an end, I peeled my eyes open and found him staring at me with a questionable look. I pulled the headphones from my ears and peered down, staring at my feet.

"That song..." I paused, raising my head to glimpse at his face.

"Where did you get it?"

Yoongi sighed, scooting away slightly, only just to lay himself down. He peered up into the sky, his bangs brushing against the tip of his eyebrows.

"I created that song." He said, raising an arm to block the sun from his face.

My mouth falls open.

He can't be his grandson...could he?

Swallowing thickly, I followed in his suit and laid down as well. Yoongi tilted his head, his eyes staying on mine before slowly averting back towards the sky.
His ears, a bright red.

"I created it a long time ago when I was younger. Maybe when I was twelve?" He confessed, gaining my attention.

Eager to know, I rolled over onto my stomach and propped myself up with my elbows.
"Did you..perhaps give it to your grandpa?" I emphasized the word grandpa, hoping he would say yes.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow, his eyes found mine with a curious intent.

"How do you know that?"

So it's true.

Biting my lip, I collapsed back onto the flat floor and sighed with ease. After so so long, he was right beside me the entire time.
I broke out in a fit of laughter, my cackles became louder and louder each time; frightening Yoongi out of his daze.

"Y-Yah, what's wrong with you?" He sat up, scooting himself away with a frown on his lips.

Clutching my stomach, my laughter ceased to a stop as I wiped the tears away with my finger.

"After so fucking long." I exhaled, sitting upright as well.

"I finally found you."

Bittersweet Melody Where stories live. Discover now