Chapter 8

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"He didn't know her, but he knows her song."
Chapter Eight

[Time Skip]

I pondered day and night, replaying that day in my mind over and over and over until it came to haunt my dreams.

How did he know?

How did he have it?

I only knew one person who knew that song, and it was that burly old man I had come to listen to almost everyday the past years of my life.

I frowned, hugging my books close against my chest as I slowly followed behind the slug who walked like the world was his.

Min Yoongi stuffed his hands into his pockets, walking with his backpack half way on his shoulder as he listens diligently to his music.
Always having his mind occupied in thoughts I didn't know of.

I didn't mean to come out as a stalker, but the intent to know how he knew that song was pushing me more.

"Having fun are we?" Almost dropping my things as an arm wraps around my shoulder, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Jung Hoseok." I sighed, opening my eyes to look at his sunshine face.

A bright smile etched his lips, accenting the fact that the sun was blaring right into his face through the windows of the hallways.

He giggled, pulling me closer against him as he stared forward; walking with me.

"Why are you following that grump?" He pouted, eyeing Yoongi. I roll my eyes, shoving him away as I fasten my pace.
He didn't have to know my issues, it wasn't his business.

"Tsk, are you really going to ignore me now?" Hoseok quickened in his footsteps as well, now walking beside me. Like a competition, his lips formed into a long frown, a disheartening look on his face.

"Y/N, whats wrong with you?" He grabbed at my arm, forcefully twisting me around to face him.

Shocked, I dropped my books, letting it fall to the floor with a loud slam.

Not only did the people around us hear and see it as well, but so did Yoongi. He halted from walking any further, raising his hand to take out an earbud. Turning around, his eyes were already locked on mine, before slowly drifting towards Hoseok's hand, in which gripped my elbow tightly. A wave of disappointment came over him.

Everyone hushed, creating an awkward silence.

Feeling the heat rush to my cheeks, I yanked my arm out from his grasp and leaned down to pick up my books.

It was already bad enough that I became a laughing stock to the school.

But this? This was worse.

All eyes were on me now.

Now I just felt...small.

Standing straight, I swallowed the lump that began to form in my throat and narrowed my eyes at Hoseok, who's face, now washed over in guilt.

"Please, leave me alone." I say to him, one last time before shoving my way through the crowd.

Walking past him as well, my feet had become heavy as tears begun to pool in my eyes.

In the end, all I could do was run.

Run until I found myself standing amidst the railing of the rooftops, with a tear stained face.
My breathing had become erratic, so much so it aches my chest.
All because of him.
I was a fool.
No, I became the fool.

It's funny really. I haven't cried so much since the night I lost him. Now, my sobs had become my reality.

[Yoongi's POV]

With heavy feet I groaned, making my way up the many rows of staircases that led upwards.
Upwards where I knew she would be.

It wasn't really my business.

I shouldn't have to do it.

But I found myself drawn to do it. To find her, comfort her, and help her.

I don't know why, but when I looked at her face when she walked pass begged 'help me'.
It pleaded, to be saved.

Heaving a heavy breath, I take my last steps until the heavy metal door stood rooted in my way; the door that blocked my path.
Letting my bag fall against the corner of the staircase, I brushed off my pants and stood straight.

Should I...?

Shaking my head, I reached forward and turned the knob to the door. It creaks open slowly, letting the sunlight shine through the opening; blinding me momentarily as I stepped out onto the hot cement of the rooftop.

Slowly gaining my eyesight back, sitting not too far away with her arm's hugging her legs as her face embedded into the comfort of her knees; Y/N was there.

Unable to tear my eyes away from the sight of her broken form, my feet automatically made its way towards her.

My footsteps become faster, until I was standing barely an inch away.

Her sniffling, her silent sobs.

I wanted it to disappear.

As awkward as it was, I bit my lips unable to do anything; until the greatest idea comes to mind. I may not be the best at showing affection, but it was all I could do.
Pulling out my iPod from my pocket, I unwrapped the headphones quickly.

Bending down into a squat, I reluctantly, but surely reached forward. Quietly tucking the loose strands of her hair away from her face I gently pushed the earbuds into her ears.
Her body stiffens upon the touch, but she slowly raised her head.
Her eyes met mine, brimmed red from her tears, wide in shock.

Pressing play, I plugged in the other earbud and increased the volume.

"Listen to me." I whispered softly.

"Listen to my song."

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