Chapter 11

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"Confessions, come only once."

Chapter Eleven

I was absolutely out of it.
In a daze all day, I couldn't focus on any lecture at all.
Everything, and I mean, everything was like a blank canvas.


The only thing my mind had gone back to, was the incident during lunch. And the fact that I spoke with food all over my teeth, to the man who, one; I liked.

"Y/N?" Someone shakes my shoulder forcibly, snapping me out of my daydream.

Looking up, Mr. Lee, the director stood, with his hands crossed over his chest. With many pairs of eyes on me as well.
I clear my throat, forcing a smile as I bowed in response.

"Good evening, sir." I calmly say, swallowing the lump in my throat.

Mr. Lee sighs heavily, his arms falling limp against his sides.
"Detention, Miss. Kim." He swerves on his heels, turning around, only to pause and look over his shoulder. From the corner of his eyes, he gives me a cold stare.


Leaving me no time, he sneered with a disgusted grimace on his face before walking forward to the podium once more. As I gather my things, everyone's attention was on me.

This was the first time.

The first time to ever get a detention, and it's because of him.

Min Yoongi, who sat near the door, his eyes followed me as I walked out with my bag hanging from my shoulder.

I had hardly even given him a glance, then.


Detention was absolutely dreadful.

The potent smell of rebellious people that didn't bother to even shower, let alone brush their teeth or hair sat with their feet across the tables. I ended up having to sit on the floor, beside a piece of gum that had hardened so long, it became apart of the floor itself.

No music.

No phones.

Just a paper, a blank, paper that had blank lines to fill with notes. I thrum my fingers against the cold tiles of the floor, smacking my head against the pillar of the wall.
My brain was empty.

That paper was empty.

All of it was empty.

"What's the broke girl doing here?" A boy with slightly disheveled hair, but had a clean face, sat across a few tables away, looking at me with a questionable attitude.

I point at myself, raising my eyebrow.

"Are you talking to me?" I questioned, frowning a bit.

He nods, standing from his seat, walking over with long strides. Standing barely a foot away from me, he squats down, taking my paper into his hands. He rolls his eyes at the paper before ripping it into shreds.

My eyes widen, mouth falling agape as I watched the ripped paper sway back and forth before gently falling to the ground before me.

"What..why would you do that?" I reached forward, collecting the pieces.

The boy scoffed, slapping my hand away harshly; causing everything I had in my hands to get tossed away as well.

"You can't write music, Y/N. Just fail like the failure you are." He cackled, pushing his index finger against my shoulder; he forces me to fall back onto the wall. My head, smacks the hard cement with a thud.

I groaned, rubbing the back of my head with my hand.

"Why are you doing this to me? I don't even know you."

He glares, standing up, I watch in horror as he raises his foot.

"It's Yeonwoo, Kim.  Don't forget me, you attention whore."

My head snaps back as the sole of his feet comes to impact with my face.
Like someone stabbing me through the head with a metal bar, the pain was unbearable.

"You hurt Sohyun." He retracted his feet, pausing to bend down, taking a fistful of my hair into his hands. The inaudible gasp that left my lips, hushing almost immediately as the taste of blood touches my tongue.

I could feel the blood seep from the open cuts of my face at this point; as it slowly dripped down the side of my temple.

"You even stole the man she loved." His hand curls into a fist, leaving my jaw forced to the side as he collides with my chin. A seething glint of pure jealousy ravaged a fire in his eyes.

Barely able to keep myself conscious, I stared at him with emptiness.

This was my punishment wasn't it?

My karma, for being this...outcast that didn't belong.

"Hit me." I weakly leaned forward, raising my hand to grab onto his, that grabbed my hair. I clenched my teeth together, as tears began to pool. Everything was a blur. A blur that began to blot out the his face, the lights, and a faint figure that I couldn't make out.

Yeonwoo retracted back a little, surprise on his face before going back to its neutral coldness.

"Gladly." He pulled back his fist once more.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact.

At this point I didn't question myself. I just wanted to knock out, and forget everything that happened. I didn't bother to think about my consequences, nor did I bother to even wonder... why I deserved to be beaten to a pulp.

I just knew, because in the end, what I am...was and will always be; a crumb to break.


Nothing came.

"I don't think Yoongi-hyung would like you touching his woman, Kim Yeonwoo."

My eyes snapped open at the sound of his familiar voice. I only heard it once, but it's a voice I'll never forget.

They called him a golden boy.

But his name, was Jeon Jungkook.

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