Chapter 5

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"He cant hate, what he likes."
Chapter Five

[Min Yoongi's POV]

The door to the cafeteria closed shut behind me as I stepped through, my eyes wandered the cold venue, trying to find my usual table, but, oddly no one was there.

Where could those fools go now..?


Slinking my phone out of my pocket, the notification that buzzed my phone appears on the screen. It read, 'look to your right.'
Confused, I lifted my head from my phone and turned to look towards the right.
There they were, huddled up together as if something important was going on. Their laughs could be heard a mile away.
Frowning, I slid my phone back into my pocket and made way towards the table, however, as I got closer...the sound of a girl's voice rings loudly in my ear.

A familiar girls voice too.

"What's going on?" I stood behind Hoseok, who laughed until he fell off his chair. Looking up, his eyes widened upon seeing me standing there. As if he didn't expect me.

"Y-Yoongi!?" Hoseok shrieked.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned around to look at me, but my eyes were elsewhere. My eyes were locked on her.

Kim Y/N, who sat with the worlds most questionable look across her face. The uneasiness that she felt emanated all the way to me; as Jungkook and Seokjin were both very close beside her.
Pursing my lips into a thin line I step over Hoseok's body and sat myself down on his seat. Never once did her eyes leave mine.

"Move away from her." I rested my chin against the palm of my hand, reluctantly averting my gaze to the youngest and the oldest. Seokjin giggled sheepishly, scooting away with red ears.

"I thought you were going to practice." Namjoon turned to me, questioning my sudden appearance.

Shrugging my shoulders I crossed my arms over the table and leaned down; resting my head against my forearms.
"I decided to take a nap instead."

[Kim Y/N's POV]

Silence took over the table as Yoongi's appearance shattered the laughter that erupted at the table I sat at. He closed his eyes, resting his head against his biceps as he drifted off into a slumber.

How could he sleep in such a loud place anyway?

Awkwardly laughing, I scratched the back of my neck and drooped low to pick up my bag.
"Um..I think I'll leave now. Thank you for..." I paused, looking at everyone as they returned the stare back.
Shaking my head, I stood up and bowed.

"Bye Y/N!" Hoseok sat up, waving his hand at me as a bright smile rippled the beauty of his face.

I smiled back softly, waving my hand as I walked away.

Maybe I don't hate him after all.

[Time Skip]

The music room.

I loved this place more than anything, more than myself actually. It was the beginning of my dreams, but it was also the end of them.
I trailed my fingers across the polished keys of the piano, reminiscing the sight of it in all its glory.

I wanted to play.

I wanted to, so much...but in the end my fear would grow stronger.

Taking a step back, I let out a solemn sigh. All I could do now, was sit back and write music.
Piano wasn't an option for me anymore.

*Knock knock*

Hastily turning around, there, who stood at the door with a tired expression on his face stood Min Yoongi with his hands snug deep into the pockets of his pants.

"What're you doing here?" I swallowed thickly, feeling a sudden rush of cold air brush against my skin.

His presence itself was giving me shivers.

Yoongi stepped through the door, walking towards the beanbag that lay on the floor.
Plopping himself onto it, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

"To ask you a question." He replied.

A question...?

"What do you want?"

Peeking one eye open, he stares at me, exhaling a long yet depressing breath.

"Why won't you play anymore Kim Y/N?"

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