Chapter 4

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"Slowly, but surely."
Chapter Four

Min Yoongi's face was absolute. Set in stone, his fury emanated a blaze of fire that lit a ring around him and I.
Blocking the voices.
Blocking the hate.

Sohyun stood from her desk, her eyes wide.
"Y-Yoongi I—" he rose his hand up, stopping her.

"You don't need to explain. I heard all of it." He sent her a glare.

I shivered, those eyes of his were intent. A killer stare that breaks anyone.
Sohyun's eyes blur with tears when I looked at her; she sat back down and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?"  Moonbin, the class rep stood up from his seat; within seconds his hands were already around Yoongi's shirt collar.
Moonbin was furious, his ears red from anger.

And it was all because of me.

"Moonbin, I think you should let me go." Yoongi calmly let his backpack fall off his shoulder; landing with a thud against the floor.

"Why? Are you afraid I'll punch your face in?" He threatened. A smirk curves Yoongi's lips, his fingers curled around Moonbin's wrist.
Forcing a grunt out of his lips, I watched in horror as Moonbin's knees buckled from underneath him.
He fell.
And Yoongi stood.

"If you want to continue playing your Tuba I suggest you not come at me anymore, Choi Moonbin. I warned you, don't make me break them." Yoongi pushed him off, and stood straight.

When his eyes found mine, it was as if everything paused in its place.
That line that I was told to never pass, erased like nothing when I stared at him.
His eyes were kind then.

"Are you okay?" He spoke, his calm demeanor washed away the anxiety that spurned in my gut.

Unable to speak, I nod my head and looked away.
Everything didn't revolve around him.
Min Yoongi wasn't selfish, nor was he crude.
He was benevolent.

Min Yoongi's heart was warm.

And so was mine.

[Time Skip]

Surviving the rest of the day was less of a challenge ever since the incident that occurred this morning.
It was easy. To breathe, to walk, to sit.
Because Yoongi made it possible for me to.

My claustrophobic feeling, that suffocated me for years. It slowly begun to deplete.

It was all because of him.

At this point I wasn't sure if I should hate him, like him, or want to befriend him.

All I knew is that, the lingering despise that I used to have for him.


Plopping myself on the seat of the cafeteria round tables, the cold seat sends shivers down my spine as the surface touches the bare skin of my thighs.

Opening my bag, I pulled my phone out and slid my finger across the smooth screen.

My messages were empty.


"What's with the long face?"

I looked up, my eyes widening at the sight of our school's most handsome senior.
Kim Seokjin.

Hastily standing on my feet, I bow quickly before straightening my form.

"What brings you here?" I gulped, nervously.

The rumors were right.
He was handsome, he was alluring. An ethereal beauty that can not compare to most of the men that walked this building.
Kim Seokjin was beyond good looking.

"Just wanted to see the old face of KM." He smiled sweetly, sitting himself across from me.

I raised my eyebrows, shocked.

The Kim Seokjin was sitting across from me right now, unbothered by my appearance.
That wasn't the end of it though, soon my table was crowded with familiar faces.
All of them, handsome in their own way.
The only one missing from the group, was Min Yoongi himself.

Still feeling the situation was too surreal to be true, I sat idly with a blank face.

Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, and Kim Seokjin were sitting at my table.

All of them, with a smile plastered on their face as they stared at me.

"So I heard you're the girl." Jungkook whistled, eyeing me up and down.

The girl...?

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, my mouth falls open to say something.

"I..I don't understand...?" They looked at each other, a questionable frown on their faces.

"You didn't know?" Namjoon leaned forward, his eyes glimmering; as the infamous dimples appear on his face.

Hoseok giggles, slapping Seokjin's arm as they silently gossip with each other.

Namjoon placed his elbows on the table, squishing his face together with his hands as a wide smile appears on his face.

"You're the first girl Yoongi has ever helped, Miss. Kim Y/N."

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