Chapter 12

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"He saved her once, will he save her again?"

Chapter Twelve

Kim Yeonwoo's head smashed against the wooden tables of the detention room, his jaw cracking upon Jungkook's knee crashing into his face.

My body sagged against the wall, too weak to even bother to move.

I could only watch out of the corner of my eyes.

Watch as the person who beat me, get beaten up by the hands of Min Yoongi's friend. Jeon Jungkook's face was set in stone, a fury that emanated a resilience that I couldn't grasp.

My question was, why?

Why was he helping me? I didn't deserve it.

"How dare you touch her with your disgusting feet?" Jungkook's fist pummeled Yeonwoo's face to the ground. Blood, staining his knuckles.

Knocking Yeonwoo unconscious, Jungkook's frustrated grunt as he slammed his hand against the surface of the table sends shivers down my spine.

I raised my head, staring up into the ceiling as I listened to his heavy breathing.

"Jeon, you'll get in trouble..." he looked at me, eyes softening upon seeing my purplish face.

Standing up, he approached me with quick feet.

"I don't care." He paused, reaching down. My body is lifted easily by his hands, as he carries me against his chest, an arm behind my waist while the other hooked behind my legs.

I rested my head against his shoulder, too fatigued to argue.

"It's okay...I'll just say it's my fault." He looked at me from the corner of his eyes as I raised my head, my arms flailed against my sides.

"Y/N. Why are you letting them do this to you? It's not your fault." He scolded, walking out of the room.

I purse my lips together unable to answer the question.

Was it really...not my fault?

Closing my eyes, I give in and listen to his steady heartbeat as his feet trudge forward towards the medical room.

Haunting whispers of the people that walked the secluded hallways becoming clear in my ear as Jungkook carried me further. I squeezed my eyes shut, burrowing my face further into his shoulder.

These whispers.

They don't ever seem to end, do they?

"Ignore them."

I opened my eyes, hearing his words.

"How do I do that..." I muffle, against his shirt. But I know he heard me well.

Jungkook sighed, squeezing his arms around my body a little tighter than before.

"You'll know."

[Time Skip]

"How could someone be so brutal?" Nurse Han frowned at me, she reached behind her to grab at some gauze.

I stare at the ceiling.

Laying on this white bed, covered by white walls, white sheets, and a white plain curtain.

Deaths door was it?

It felt like it.

Sitting beside me, Jungkook rested his chin against the palm of his hand as he leaned forward pressing his elbows into the mattress beside my limp arm.

"Yeonwoo did this." He sneered, staring at me.

Nurse Han sighed deeply, her fingers gently wiped against my blood stained face. The alcohol burns my cuts, causing me to wince.

"Sorry Y/N-ah, it'll sting for a while." She apologizes, blowing cool air against my cuts to relieve the pain.

It was like my throat closed. Words seemed to fall me miserably, so well that I couldn't even say thank you. Even if I wanted to, everything throbbed.

All over.

Opening my mouth felt like needles.

I guess this is what happens when a fight occurs. Just everything feels like someone stabbed me with a knife repeatedly.

"You should—" Nurse Han's voice is hallowed out by the loud slam of the door opening wide.

Jungkook turned around, but I didn't bother to look.

"Who did it." My eyes widen immediately upon the familiar voice.

Turning my head, there, with his eyebrows curved deeply into an angered frown. Yoongi's nose flared in frustration, sweat drenched his shirt.

Did he run?

"Jeon Jungkook! Who did it!?" Yoongi grabbed at Jungkook's shoulder, shaking him forcefully.

Shocked, I reached forward, tugging at Jungkook's shirt to pull him away slightly from Yoongi's grasp.

"He didn't do anything wrong. It was Yeonwoo." I forced myself up from the bed, causing the boys to panic.

"Lay down, are you stupid?" Yoongi reached forward, his arms embraced my body as it fell forward, unable to stabilize myself.

I fell silent.

Feeling his arms around me like this even for a moment, it felt nice.

Jungkook smiled softly, his eyes wavered over mine for a minute before turning to leave.

"Thank you, Kook." I called after him.

He paused in his steps, turning around with a bright grin on his face.

"Of course." Was the last thing he said before leaving the room.

Nurse Han stood from the chair, a solemn smile on her face.

"I'll leave you two alone." She turned around, leaving us secluded, as she closed the curtains of the room.

Yoongi pulled away, worry etched his face.

"I don't understand why it's always you." He whispered softly, fingers brushing against my face. I look down, feeling an ache in my chest.

I can't hate this man.

I really can't.

As he was about to let go, I reached forward to tug at the hem of his shirt.
His body freezes in place.

"Hug me." I weakly stood, walking myself close. I leaned my face in against the crook of his neck as tears slip from my eyes, wetting his shoulder.

Muffled sobs escape my lips as the feeling of his arms wrap around my body again.

If there were ever a clock that could stop time.

I wished, it was now.

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