Dazed and confused

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After Santana slammed Sebastian everyone walked ahead leaving her alone in the hallway Sebastian caught up to her. "Hey Streisand what did you think of our performance?
"It wasn't bad I think we have good competition and I'm going to up my game maybe I won't be doing mj at regionals. "Are you surrendering? He smirked and stood very close to her. "No Sebastian I'm Rachel berry and I never surrender I just work extra hard to be better. Sebastian was intrigued by her answer he took her hand in his and kissed it. "Good luck Rachel he said with his eyes locked on hers. "Um thanks she said blushing. He let her hand go and she walked away feeling confused. She wondered what that exchange was about and why he was being so nice to her.
Time jump
Regionals was a day away and Rachel was ready for it and ready to marry Finn Hudson she was preparing every day. She sat joking around with Kurt and drinking her coffee when a smirking Sebastian smythe approached them he looked over Rachel in a manner he hadn't before  Rachel involuntarily shivered.

Sebastian walked out of the Lima bean smirking. Rachel chases him into the parking lot as he was next to his Ferrari. "Sebastian! He turned around and saw a pissed off rachel berry. "Can I help you Streisand? "What the hell is your problem are you such a coward that you can't complete with me? "I'm no coward! he said getting in her face. "I think you are she said smirking otherwise you wouldn't have to blackmail me to drop out because I'm better than you ever will be what's wrong Sebastian not man enough to beat me afraid a girl may beat you huh or is it because you know daddy will despise you for losing to me! He clenched his fists in anger Rachel had struck a nerve and she knew it she smirked again making him more. He grabbed her and pinned her to his car. He was breathing hard and his face was close to hers. "What you wanna hurt me Come on then do something Sebastian go on slushy me hit me go ahead you don't scare me. He slammed his hands on each side of her head. "Fuck he muttered. Without warning he crashed his lips to hers hungerly attacking her lips with his. " it was unlike anything she'd ever felt. She kissed him back not knowing what she was doing Finn popped in her mind she pushed him back off her. He tried to kiss her again but she moved away. "I can't I can't do this to Finn I love him I hardly know you I have to go! Rachel ran away and went back into the Lima bean. She was struggling to breathe. Kurt looked concerned. "Rachel are you okay you look flustered did you give that meerkat a piece of your mind? "I did but I think I made things worse."How? "Nothing I made him really mad Hey I have to go I'm meeting finn I'll see you tomorrow. "Okay bye then. She left and went to go see Finn guilt ate at her.
Time jump
After Dave karofsky tried to kill himself sebastian felt awful for what he'd done to Blaine and all the new directions but most of all Rachel and for what he'd said to Dave he texted Santana to meet him at the Lima bean with the others.

Rachel stood in the background listening to him he did sound sincere but what caught her attention was him saying he destroyed the Finn photos. They accepted his apology and left Rachel was last she stood behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder he put his hand on hers she let go of his hand and walked away.
Time jump
Rachel was getting ready to perform her big solo she went on stage and started to sing here's to us.

Sebastian smiled warmly at her and her eyes met his she smiled and kept singing she sang to Finn and Sebastian instantly felt jealousy within him. After Rachel had won regionals she went back stage to go see Finn he was making out with Quinn. "What the hell finn! "Uh oh um Rachel hey. "Don't hey me what is this!?
"I was going to tell you Rachel I...
"You said you loved me that you wanted to get back with me! "Yeah I did but It was a mistake. Rachel ran up and slapped him and stormed off. "We're done she screamed done forever. She ran out of the auditorium crying Sebastian saw her and knew something was wrong. Kurt saw her in tears too he saw Sebastian run after her and decided to see what he was doing. Sebastian found Rachel sitting on a curb sobbing loudly it ate at his heart he sat next to her and handed her a tissue and she took it and dried her eyes. "Thanks. He put his hand on her shoulder in comfort. " Are you okay broadway? " no im not she said sadly he lied again he was with Quinn all over her they're together again he lied again and I believed him I'm so stupid. " you're not stupid Rachel he's the stupid one who doesn't see how sensational and beautiful you are he doesn't deserve you you deserve better than him. "Kurt secretly watched the entire scene he had never seen Sebastian be so sweet and kingmaker then it dawned on him Sebastian was in love with Rachel he could see it. He walked away feeling ok and smiled he was happy for her maybe Sebastian was not as bad as he thought.
"Can I take you home? asked Sebastian. "Yeah that'd be nice I'm very tired. He got up and helped her up and walked her to his car he opened the passenger door for her and she got in he closed it and he got in started the car and they drove away. He got to her house parked and walked her to her door. " thank you for bringing me home Sebastian. "You're welcome Rachel are you going to be okay? "Yeah I'll be fine. He took her hand in his and took out a pen and wrote his number on her hand. "If you're not okay or you need to talk call me I'm here for you okay. "Okay. He kissed her forehead and started walking away she grabbed his hand he turned to face her she crashed her lips to his. Soon they were making out against her door she turned the key opened the door and dragged him in she locked the door. She grabbed his hand and led him to her room. They stripped away their clothes and they ended up on her bed he was on top of her. "You're dads he murmured. "They won't be home tonight they're both working night shift.
He smirked and started kissing her neck she moaned softly. "Are you sure about this? he asked. "I am finn was the wrong guy you are the right guy. He smiled and kept going. He ran his hands all over her he wanted to get her off so he started to suck her nipples one at a time.
He moved his hand between her legs and felt how wet she was he kissed her stomach and moved lower licking her nerves waves of pleasure washed over her as he pleasures her. He kept going till he knew she was close he stopped and positioned himself at her entrance and he thrusted into her he moved in her slowly she moaned loudly and started bucking her hips he sped up his groans and her moans of pleasure filled the air. He hit a spot that made her scream. He was close she was too he moved harder and faster she screamed his game as her walls squeezed him he groaned and spilled into her he collapsed on his back next to her they were breathing heavily. "Does this mean we are a couple now he asked facing her. "Yeah she said facing him. He smiled at her and kissed her softly. She layed her head on his chest and fell asleep in his arms. He fell asleep too...

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