ch6: Say something

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"Marshall was gone, he had left the her in the early morning. When Zoey had finally woken up she was met with the cold, empty side of her bed. She broke down in tears at the sight before her , 'Was he just late for something? Or had he used her? ' as much as she wanted to believe that he had things to attend to deep down she knew that it was the later. All she could think about that morning was excuses for why he had left her side." I read out loud from my book. Broken... heartbroken, was all Zoey felt at that moment. Was I heartbroken as well?

A knock came from the door pulling my attention away from my book. I reluctantly put my book down to go open the door. Will I ever have a good book reading day to myself?! I walk over go the door not pay any mind the the pieces of broken glass covering the floor. Letting the glass shards dig into my bare feet. I caused this mess and as the old saying goes you made your bed now lay in it.

"Who is it?" I asked rather bored. I just wanted to sit and wallow in my apartment but noooo someone just had to stop by for some pleasantries.

"Miss Longston, I'm look for Mister Ethan the Duckman Coolner. Is he in by any chance?" A soft feminine voice replied from the other side of the door.

Oh fuck...really?! Now!? "Maya... hmm... this is not a good time." I said looking around my trashed apartment. I couldn't let her see this mess of an apartment, I couldn't let her see mess of a person. "My place is, messy?" If looking like a tornado just passed through it could be labelled under 'messy'.

"Come on Eth open up , I don't mind." She said giggling the door nob.

"Seriously Maya it looks like a raide went down here last night. I- " I sighed not have energy after crying through last night " I just can't." I said gripping the door nob so the her giggling would stop.

"Ethan... I called your office and your secretary told me you haven't been at work for days now... Pl-Please open the door..." She said her voice cracking, followed by a sniffle. Was she crying? Why? Was it because of me? Why do I always do this?

"I'm worried about you Eth." She said. Her words were sincere, her actions were sincere but I couldn't force myself to squeeze the door nob. Opening that door would mean opening up to the pain I so desperately tried to hide from.

I didn't speak. I found myself silent just as one that day. I let the silence build up between us. My cheeks burned, tears swelling up in my eyes.

"Ethan say something. Please?" She asked. 'Say something?' What can I say Maya? Do you want me to tell you? Should I tell you I'm sick to spare you the worries? Or should I be honest and crush you with the weight of my life? Honesty is the best policy, right?

"I-" As much as it hurts I can't lie too her. Honesty is the best policy, right? "I always manage to hurt someone. I always seem to cause pain wherever I go and the people I care about are always cought in the cross hairs. My sister, my father... even her. Pl-Please Maya I don't want to hurt you too." I said chocking back my sobs. The weight on my chest was suffocating making my lungs burn from the lack of oxygen. Everything was a blur around me, it was if my senses were numb. I couldn't see my own hands or sense the moisture dampening my cheeks. I couldn't hear the sound of the busy city down below all I could hear was her voice.

"I won't tell you the things you have been told millions of times by countless amounts of people. I just hope that what I'm about to say to you will stick. I know your scared of pain. Scared to feel it, your scared to be the cause of pain for others , but being afraid of pain makes you afraid of love. I know that love hurts, that letting people in hurts especially after you have experienced pain. Even though the risk of getting hurt is still eminent, the possibility of feeling love again.. that hope out weighs that risk." She said, her voice cracking. Soft, muffled cries came from behind the door. She felt the agonising pain of heartbreak before but she still took the risk of letting people in again. How could she be so strong yet so weak?

"Please Ethan?" She asked need evident in her tone. Her cries died down into sniffes leaving only my sobs auditable. I knew that opening that door would be the worst mistake of the day but I still squeezed the door knob. I swung the door open before I could talk myself out of it, being confronted with a teary-eyed Maya staring back at me. Without thinking I ingulfed her in a hug trying to give her the comfort she needed, that I needed. Hoping that if I held her tight enough the pain would disappear into thin air and only leaving us with the fuzzy feeling of hope.

"Never .do .that .again." She said, softly hitting my chest with every word. She nuzzled her face into my chest making the fabric wet with her warm tears. I didn't mind her soaking up my shirt I just held her closer resting my chin on top of her head , letting my own tears fall.

I placed my finger under her chin lifting up her head so that i could look her in the eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes were red and puffy but underneath all the tears her eyes still sparkled with hope.

"I won't. " I said tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. We looked like a crying mess but neither one of us tried to stop the continous stream of tears rolling down our cheeks.

"Promise me you'll have hope, that you'll love ,that you won't live in fear of pain? Promise? " She asked after she stoped crying. She held out her pinky waiting for me to swear.

"Promise." I said linking my pinky with hers. I promise Maya I swear to that and so much more.
I died a little writing this but hopefully it's not that bad. Anyway if your kinda lost I won't blame you cause there has been some technical difficulties with my saved work but hopefully I'll work it out.

Question? What's celebrity's fanfic do you read /be honest ;)

Bye ^_^♡

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