ch7: No tie

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"Ready for your big date lover boy? " She asked walking into my office. I turn away from the mirror, after countless attempts trying to tie my tie for what felt like eternity. It had been along day at the office and I was mentally and physically drained.  

"I don't know Suki. Im so tired and-" I paused trying to make the knot. "Agggg! And this stupid tie isn't making the right knot!" I yelled yanking the tie of my neck. I walked away from the mirror slumping on the couch arm. Honestly I didn't feel like going anymore, I just wanted to lay in my bed and wallow in my tie relayed defeat. "Suki? I dont know if im ready for this. What if I mess up? What is I fucked it up so bad she doesn't want to talk to me again. What if I embarrass myself?"  I asked feeling the weight drop on my shoulders.

"I dont see what your so worried about. You like her right?"


"Can she stand your ass?"

"Than whats the problem? If you like her and she likes you , why get so worked up? Its going to be fine Ethan, relax." "But what about the tie?" I perched my lower lip out.

She calmly walked over from the desk she was leaning on anf stopped a few inches before me. She flicked my lower lip with her index finger before grabing my shoulders and shaking me.

"Fuck-the-goddam-tie!" She said shaking me with every word.

It took a few moments before my head would stop spinning. Why is she so strong? After the dizziness subsided and stood up and hugged Suki. "Thanks Suki."

"Can't- breathe." She said gasping for air when I let her go. "Enjoy your date." She continued pushing me from behind out of my office.

"This is some nice water we have here?" I say trying to lift the awkward air around us. Why the hell did I say that?!

"Refreshing." Maya replied sipping on her water. The tension was so thick around us leaving the silence to fall upon us. As soon as we sat down at our table it started to eat its way at us. "That waiter is taking forever isn't he?" I said. Nice going Ethan point out the obvious why dont you?!

"Yes he is." She replied giving me a tight lip smile. Was she just as nervous as me? Could she see how nervous I was? Of course she could see how nervous I was im literally bathing in sweat and shaking like a damn washing machine on its spin cycle!

"You look amazing." That was an understatement she look more than amazing. Her hair was pinned up elegantly only have a few strands fall on to her face. The dress she wore complimented her figure exceptionally well. She left her face relatively blank only adding some red lipstick to grab your attention to her lips.Why does she look so pretty!? Its throwing me off my game! Do I even have game with her?! Why did I ask her out in the first place?! Am I underdressed? I knew I should have worn the tie! Suki!

"Thank you. You dont look to bad yourself. No tie I see. Going for the millionaire bad boy bachelors look?" She said cracking a smile.

"What? No! Maybe-if you like it then yes?"

"Nah as much as no tie bad boy ethan is interesting I do prefer sleepy kitty Ethan." She said chuckling to her own lame joke.

"Sleepy kitty Ethan? Really Maya?"

"Yes its what I saved you as on my phone. "She said grinning.

"Why not something manly like truck driver Ethan? "

"Well do you drive a truck?" She asked with a duh expression. "Well no but I could learn."

"I still won't change it. Your remind me off that time I went to a sleep over at my cousins and we played with her pet cat but he was so lazy and sleep and later climbed up the bookself to escape our grubby mits." She said smilling as the memory replayed itself in her mind.

"Sounds like fun. I wish I did more stuff like that during my childhood." I sigh looking down slightly. Most of my childhood slipped through my fingers. It was the cost of becoming stronger, growing up faster and this in turn led to my childhood blurring away.

"Okay thats it-" she slammed her fist against the table catching myself and nearby tables with a surprise.  "-were going to have the best damn sleepover of your entire life this weekend come on!" She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the exit.

"Wait what about the food?" I asjed tugging her back.

"Oh yeah." She whispered. "The service in this place suckes! You'll be expecting a very strong worded Yelp review from me!" She yelled before existing.

Once we were outside she started laughing her ads off causing me to join in. We later found ourselves out of breath gasping for air.

"Don't sweat the small stuff Eth. It wont matter in the end. Lets go!" She said hurrying to the car.

There she goes again saying words with the deepest meanings without noticing a thing.

It took me forever to update but thank you for your patience.

Knives and glitter♡


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