ch10: magical café

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The days seem the fade by taking the voices along with it. I spent most of the week sorting through pipes of paper work successfully barring me in my work. The small amount free time I had was spent sleeping. It was the most shut-eye I have gotten since along time. I didn't wake up the screaming or the unsettling feeling that I had for so long. My nights were peaceful. My dreams were sweet. My heart felt lighter.

I had hope. For the first time in forever I had hope that it would get better. A part from my past was put to rest. All that baggage thrown away left me...happy.

UNKNOWN: I'll be there in a few. Hope you didn't have much trouble finding the place.

I sighed reading the text message. I replied a simple okay before stuffing my phone into my pants pocket.

What am I even going to say? 'Hello Father nice to see you after my psychotic episode last time we were at this cafe. How's the wife?'

There's nothing I could possibly say to him but I had to do this. If not for him than for me. I needed answers. I needed clarity. I needed to put rest to my soul.

I gave one final look to the cafe he and I so joyously visited throughout my childhood. My heart tightened at all the memories that this single building held.

Suki couldn't find the location of the business and had to jump through hopes before calling in for my father's help.

He said he would be more than happy to meet. Going as far as asking my personal cell so that he could message me the address to the 'magical' cafe.

"Ethan!" -my father called before giving me a bear hug. "It's good to see you again son. I was worried after -"

"Coffee?" I cut him off hoping to stall the inevitable.

He gave me a smile "Coffee it is." He said leading the way in.

The familiar aroma filled my senses as we took our seats. We had our usual. It wasn't long before silence fell.

I could tell he was a bit in edge after what happened last time we sat in this cafe.

"It hasn't changed much, has it?" He said looking around.

"Yeah, except the fairy lights. They were added when I was like - 8 I think?" I said trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah I tried keeping the place the same over the years but added them later on. You were obsessed with fantasy at the time and I thought it would make the place seem more magical for you." He said loosely play with his fingers.

"You? You ask to add these lights?" I asked not able to understand what he was saying.

He chuckled at my statement like it was a joke. "Don't need to ask permission when it's your."

What he said finally sank in leaving my face from confused to in shock.

"You bought this cafe?" I asked not trying to hide my shock.

"It wasn't really a cafe when I bought it. More like a run down space. Had to fix it up really good before I let you see it." He smiled fondly at the memory.

He made it up! The entire thing; the entire goddamn building. The décor. The menu. Even those stupid signs by the bathroom doors.

"You- You made this place for me?" I gestured waving my hands around.

He gave a nod sipping on his coffee.

"But why?" I asked. I was flabbergast; unable to understand why he would go through all this trouble.

"What do you mean why? Your my boy. I wanted something we could share and enjoy together. Somewhere we could have father-son time. Your mother didn't want use around the house all the time with your sister being born. So I decided to make our own special place." He said beaming at me.

I was at a loss for words. What could I say after hearing that?

As much as I would like to act like that him making this for me, for us didn't bother me. I knew I could never. My heart aches at what he said. How he did this out of pure love.

I was hung up on the fact he left, that he didn't care I couldn't see what was in from of me! I couldn't see that he was there all along; that he cared.

The lump in my thought became increasingly hard to swallow as the information processed. My face burned anticipating the tears coming.

I needed to settle this. I needed to get over my hate. I needed to get over the past.

"Ethan." He said his voice more softer.

I looked up and I could feel the tears brimming ready to fall.

He got up and took a seat next to me. Placing his hand on my shoulder turning me to face him. "I'm sorry." He said his voice cracking a little.

I started to shake me head mumbling 'no' repeatedly. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. It was futile to try and stop them.

"I'm sorry I didn't fight hard enough for you." His eyes started year up but he still continued. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that pain and sorrow. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." He wrapped his arms around me hugging me.

"No" I said my voice staining. "No. I'm sorry dad. I'm so so so sorry dad." My hands clutched onto him with everything they had. "I'm so sorry I pushed you away!"

"No Ethan I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let them stop me from taking you with me!" He cried into my shoulder. "I'm sorry I couldn't see you grow up!"

"I'm sorry I didn't try to fix this!" I cried.

We sat there hold each other till our cries subsided into sniffles.

"I love you Ethan." My dad said when we finally pulled out of the hug.

"I love you too dad." I said wiping my tear stained cheeks.


Y'all guys I was crying when I wrote this.

I'm so happy Ethan and his dad work it out in the end. So the book will be coming to an end soon with about 3 chapters left. I can't wait to have this as a finished work of what feels like a year now.

Maybe I'll go finish my older book or make another short story like Unexpected Expected? Who knows?

Vote and tell me what you thought about this chapter.

Knives and glitter ^_^

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