ch11: Suki Johnson's bff

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"So..." Suki started. I looked up from my computer. My brows lifted urgent head to continue.

"I was just... You know..." She persisted but stopped trying to find the right words. "I know it might be a personal question bu-"

"Suki for the love of all things delicious just spit it out!"

"What's-the-deal-with-you-and-that-Maya-chick?" She blurted out.

It took me a while to put her jumbled sentence together.

"What do you mean?" I asked not seeing where this conversation was heading.

"I don't mean to pry into your personal life. You know what? I rather not be nosey so...nev-"

"Suki don't worry about you being 'nosey'. " I snickered a bit at the thought of Suki trying not to be nosey. "I would love to tell one of my only friends about her, but..."

"But what? Come on Eth?! Out with it!" She cried out dieing from the suspense that I deliberately left.

"But there's nothing to say at the matter. She's just Maya and I am just Ethan." I said a matter of fact.

"Nothing?! Really Ethan?" She stood up throwing her arms magnifying her disbelief.

I sat calmly arms crossed giving her a simple nod and a " uhmm".

"You sent her flowers and a cheesy card asking her out."

"Correction, you sent her flowers and the card.". I pointed.

"You went on a date at a fancy restaurant and she spent a night at your place."

"It was more a half date with her storming out before we could even eat. "

"She still spent a night." She retorted.

"Which was spent painting nails and eating deathly noodles."

She let out aspirated sigh before plopping down on my couch. "I give up! You are hopeless!" Her voice was muffled by the leather.

"I don't want to label anything yet ,Suk. I don't want to over think it and sweat the small stuff." I inspired before mumbling "And I'm sure Maya doesn't think of me in that way."

Suki's head popped up. I was hoping she wouldn't hear the last part but she did prompting her to stan up. She walked over to me; pushing my desk chair a bit before settling down on the desk. She placed her feet on my leg pulling me lightly forward. I moved closer towards her; stopping when I was in between her legs.

If anyone walked it and saw us it would seem inappropriate but it was just Suki and I. It didn't feel inappropriate. It was like a unspoken bond between two friends.

"Come tell moma Suki what your problem is." She patted her lap urging me to lay my head down.
I stifled the urge to laugh at her statement.

"Well moma Suki," I chuckled struggling to keep a serious face. "You see I like her but."

"But?" She urged.

"I don't know if she feels the same. And even if she did feel the same I'm to much of a coward to actually do something. Plus I don't feel ready for another -"

"Relationship." She finished off.  "I understand why you don't think you're ready another one. The last one really took a tole on you."

Suki was better treatment than any shrink I went to. She would only give a comment here and there but mostly she listened. Our talks always felt so light unlike my talks with Maya. I'm sure Suki wouldn't be able to handle me crying so she alway made jokes to stop it from getting too deep.

I spilled my thoughts on to her. She would listen. I would feel better. Than we would drink. She knew almost all aspects of my life. That's why I never felt that she was another employee. She was my friend. I would even dare to say my best friend.

She played with my hair earn a uhmm from me. It was quite before she spoke again. "Whatever you choose to do with the whole Maya situation, I'll support you."

I gave a soft thank you.

"All I ask is that you look after yourself first. There's nothing more important in your world than yourself." Her voice was soft and comforting.

I looked up at her. It was a rare sight to see the normally loud, charismatic Suki quite and coy. She held my gaze giving me a small smile which I returned.

"I can't have my best friend all sad and gloomy." She said back to her nonchalant self.

I chuckled reaching up to ruffle her hair. As expected she shot me a death glare.

"I hate you Ethan Cooler!" She yelled patting down her curly hair.

"I love you to Suki Johnson."


No real plot progression just making a filler chapter to breathe a bit from the drama.

I love Suki and Ethan's friendship it's touchy feely but still has that 'i will roast you at any given chance'

So Suki is actually blasian. With her mom being Asian and her dad being black.

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